This book investigates how humanitarians balance the laws and principles of civilian protection with the realities of contemporary warzones, where non-state armed actors assert cultural, political and religious traditions that are often at odds with official frameworks. This book argues that humanitarian protection on the ground is driven not by official frameworks in the traditional sense, but by the relationships between the complex mix of actors involved in contemporary wars. The frameworks, in turn, act as a unifying narrative that preserves these relationships. As humanitarian...
This book investigates how humanitarians balance the laws and principles of civilian protection with the realities of contemporary warzones, where non...
How should humanitarian organisations respond when their aid goes awry? Should they stay and remain engaged with the needy, or should they withdraw and leave? Investigating the choices involved and the judgements required when tackling these questions, this book explores the unique ‘Humanitarian Exit Dilemma’ that confronts humanitarian organisations. Humanitarian practitioners often are too concerned with the outcome of action but fail to recognise that there are other equally weighty moral considerations they should consider. Focusing simply on the results of projects, such as the...
How should humanitarian organisations respond when their aid goes awry? Should they stay and remain engaged with the needy, or should they withdraw an...
This book explores the emerging trend of citizen-led forms of helping others at the borders of Europe. It is key reading for advanced students and researchers of humanitarian aid, European migration and refugees, and citizen-led activism.
This book explores the emerging trend of citizen-led forms of helping others at the borders of Europe. It is key reading for advanced students and res...