A charismatic and controversial figure, Lacan is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century and his work has revolutionized linguistics, philosophy, literature, psychology, cultural and media studies.
He gained his reputation as a lecturer, disseminating his ideas to audiences that included Jean-Paul Sartre and Luce Irigaray amongst other hugely influential names. The Ethics of Psychoanalysis is a transcript of his most important lecture series.
Including influential readings of Sophocles Antigone and Elizabethan courtly love poetry in relation to female sexuality,...
A charismatic and controversial figure, Lacan is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century and his work has revolutionized lingui...
Widely acknowledged to be one of Freud's greatest cultural works, when Totem and Taboo was first published in 1913, it caused outrage. Thorough and thought-provoking, Totem and Taboo remains the fullest exploration of Freud's most famous themes. Family, society, religion - they're all put on the couch here. Whatever your feelings about psychoanalysis, Freud's theories have influenced every facet of modern life, from film and literature to medicine and art. If you don't know your incest taboo from your Oedipal complex, and you want to understand more about the culture we're living in, then...
Widely acknowledged to be one of Freud's greatest cultural works, when Totem and Taboo was first published in 1913, it caused outrage. Thorough and th...
Originally published in German in 1913 and written by a working-class woman, this volume is arguably still the most important advance on Marx's political economic writings to date. Rosa Luxemburg developed a theoretical foundation for the global drive and structural crisis of capitalism.
Originally published in German in 1913 and written by a working-class woman, this volume is arguably still the most important advance on Marx's politi...
'Nagel and Newman accomplish the wondrous task of clarifying the argumentative outline of Kurt Godel's celebrated logic bomb.' The Guardian
In 1931 the mathematical logician Kurt Godel published a revolutionary paper that challenged certain basic assumptions underpinning mathematics and logic. A colleague of physicist Albert Einstein, his theorem proved that mathematics was partly based on propositions not provable within the mathematical system. The importance of Godel's Proof rests upon its radical implications and has echoed throughout many fields, from maths to science to...
'Nagel and Newman accomplish the wondrous task of clarifying the argumentative outline of Kurt Godel's celebrated logic bomb.' The Guardian
In the fiftieth anniversary of this book's first release, Winch's argument remains as crucial as ever. Originally published in 1958, The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy was a landmark exploration of the social sciences, written at a time when that field was still young and had not yet joined the Humanities and the Natural Sciences as the third great domain of the Academy. A passionate defender of the importance of philosophy to a full understanding of 'society' against those who would deem it an irrelevant 'ivory towers' pursuit, Winch draws from the works of such...
In the fiftieth anniversary of this book's first release, Winch's argument remains as crucial as ever. Originally published in 1958, The Idea of a Soc...
As relevant today as it was on first publication, the 'ABC of Relativity' is a masterwork of scientific popularisation and an accessible introduction to Einstein's theory of relativity.
As relevant today as it was on first publication, the 'ABC of Relativity' is a masterwork of scientific popularisation and an accessible introduction ...
A passionate celebrator of "sexual difference," Luce Irigaray was never simply after the social equality that her generation so publicly demanded. She was seeking more fundamentally a society that celebrated the differences between the genders and their coming together in a union without hierarchy. As she formulates it in this compellingly readable introduction to her own thought, Irigaray is writing about how "I" and "You" become "We." Exploring along the way women s experiences of motherhood, abortion, the AIDS crisis and the beauty industry, this book presents one of the most important...
A passionate celebrator of "sexual difference," Luce Irigaray was never simply after the social equality that her generation so publicly demanded. ...
One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler s Gender Trouble is as celebrated as it is controversial.
Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated social performance rather than the expression of a prior reality.
Thrilling and...
One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler s Gender Trouble is as celebrated as it is controversial.
'Remarkably lively and enjoyable It is a very rich book, containing excellent descriptions of a variety of moral theories, and innumerable and often witty observations on topics encountered on the way.' - Times Literary Supplement
Bernard Williams was one of the greatest philosophers of his generation. Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy is not only widely acknowledged to be his most important book, but also hailed a contemporary classic of moral philosophy. Drawing on the ideas of the Greek philosophers, Williams reorients ethics away from a...
With a new foreword by Jonathan Lear
'Remarkably lively and enjoyable It is a very rich book, containing excellent descriptions of a variety of ...
'Richly documented and convincingly presented' -- New Society
Mods and Rockers, skinheads, video nasties, designer drugs, bogus asylum seeks and hoodies. Every era has its own moral panics. It was Stanley Cohen s classic account, first published in the early 1970s and regularly revised, that brought the term moral panic into widespread discussion. It is an outstanding investigation of the way in which the media and often those in a position of political power define a condition, or group, as a threat to societal values and interests. Fanned by screaming media headlines, Cohen...
'Richly documented and convincingly presented' -- New Society
Mods and Rockers, skinheads, video nasties, designer drugs, bogus asylum seeks and...