If Jesus had just one night to be with you: to talk, to pray, to teach. What would He say? What would you do?
The youngest apostle, whom Jesus loved, was now an old man. He had watched the gospel of Jesus Christ spread like wildfire. Millions had experienced the joyful salvation of the Lord. As John reflected on his memories, the Holy Spirit brought to his remembrance all that Jesus said and did on that Final Night before the crucifixion. So John began writing these vital words in his own gospel, in order that the church could be...
If Jesus had just one night to be with you: to talk, to pray, to teach. What would He say? What would you do?
Turn the key to prayer without ceasing. Connect with the constant presence of God.
In the Book of Revelation, our Lord identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega. In the midst of those declarations He unlocks life-giving precepts and crucial connections necessary for every Christian, beginner or long-timer. They spell out a paradigm of simple and essential connections that must be made and maintained throughout our Christian walk. Love your local church and pastor; Come together with the right people in ministry; Talk with God; Get into the...
Turn the key to prayer without ceasing. Connect with the constant presence of God.
Is the Holy Spirit the key to everything good and right for the abundant Christian life?
Pentecostals and Charismatics of the twentieth century taught, practiced, and institutionalized many Holy Spirit things: some good, some bad, some built the church of Jesus Christ, and some hurt and tore down Christians. Now in the twenty-first century, many successful churches, pastors, and Christians are hesitant, skittish, and even standoffish when it comes to the Holy Spirit.
But Paul exhorted all Christians not to be ignorant concerning...
Is the Holy Spirit the key to everything good and right for the abundant Christian life?