Der Begriff "Literatur" istseit jeherunbestimmt und definitionsresistent, zugleich aber als disziplinare Begrenzung gerade in Zeiten der Uberschreitung uberkommener Fachgrenzen unverzichtbar. Der Band diskutiert Moglichkeiten, den Begriff so zu bestimmen, dass er zur Heuristik in unterschiedlichen historischen und kulturellen Milieus fruchtbar verwendet werden kann. Zugleich wird ausgehend von Phanomenen wie Fiktionalitat und Literarizitat nach gemeinsamen Merkmalen von Literatur gesucht. Behandelt werden folgende Themen: 1. Aspekte des Prototyps 'Literatur', 2. Fiktionalitat, 3....
Der Begriff "Literatur" istseit jeherunbestimmt und definitionsresistent, zugleich aber als disziplinare Begrenzung gerade in Zeiten der Uberschre...
The volume Regeln der Bedeutung ('Rules of meaning') marks the launch of REVISIONEN, a projected series of some eight volumes on basic concepts of literary theory. The series aims to reflect on central concepts of literary studies which have become questionable or problematic in the course of recent debates and to open up new perspectives on them in order to make them available for research in a new manner. Such concepts include, for example, 'meaning', 'literature', 'interpretation'. The series takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing not only on literary theory but also on art...
The volume Regeln der Bedeutung ('Rules of meaning') marks the launch of REVISIONEN, a projected series of some eight volumes on basic concepts of ...
The study of narrative—the object of the rapidly growing discipline of narratology—has been traditionally concerned with the fictional narratives of literature, such as novels or short stories. But narrative is a transdisciplinary and transmedial concept whose manifestations encompass both the fictional and the factual. In this volume, which provides a companion piece to Tobias Klauk and Tilmann Köppe’s Fiktionalität: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, the use of narrative to convey true and reliable information is systematically explored across media, cultures and disciplines, as well...
The study of narrative—the object of the rapidly growing discipline of narratology—has been traditionally concerned with the fictional narratives ...