Reflections on the Relevance of Public International Law to Private International Law Treaty Making Paul R. Beaumont This lecture focuses on treaty interpretation, reservations, declarations, the relationship between international instruments and decision making methods in an international institution. It deals with these public international law issues from the perspective of a private international lawyer who has encountered them when negotiating several treaties at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (the revised Statute of the Conference, the Choice of Court...
Reflections on the Relevance of Public International Law to Private International Law Treaty Making Paul R. Beaumont This lecture focuses on tr...
The Influence of the International Sale of Goods Convention on Domestic Law Including Conflict of Laws (with Specific Reference to Russian Law) Valeriy Musin The course of lectures deals with Russian civil law norms regulating sales contract as compared with relevant rules of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980). The author shows that Russian norms are quite consistent with those of the Convention as well as with the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. A Transcivilizational Perspective on International Law. Questioning...
The Influence of the International Sale of Goods Convention on Domestic Law Including Conflict of Laws (with Specific Reference to Russian Law) Val...
Le cours est divise en deux parties. D'une part, la CIJ et le reglement des differends concernant les frontieres terrestres, ou l'auteur parle surtout du concept du differend frontalier terrestre et des principes applicables pour le resoudre, ainsi que du role de la Cour a ce propos. D'autre part, la CIJ et les principaux problemes frequemment souleves dans ce genre de differends, c'est-a-dire le jus tractatus relatif aux frontieres terrestres, les problemes ratione temporis (droit intertemporel, date critique, periode critique et situations historiques), le materiau...
Le cours est divise en deux parties. D'une part, la CIJ et le reglement des differends concernant les frontieres terrestres, ou l'auteur parle surtout...
Migrations et relations familiales, par K. Meziou, professeur emerite, de l'Universite de Carthage: Le " conflit de civilisations " vehicule une vision globalisante et figee du monde musulman et occulte les changements qui ont touche, a des degres divers, le droit de la famille en particulier au Maghreb. Le theme, revisite a travers les relations familiales dans le contexte migratoire euro-maghrebin, doit etre depasse. La focalisation sur les droits fondamentaux permet de relativiser les oppositions, alors que les solutions retenues dans les pays occidentaux ne procedent pas toujours du...
Migrations et relations familiales, par K. Meziou, professeur emerite, de l'Universite de Carthage: Le " conflit de civilisations " vehicule une visio...
Private International Law as Component of the Law of the Forum. General Course on Private International Law by M. Bogdan, Professor at the University of Lund. La reconnaissance internationale des situations juridiques personnelles et familiales, par R. Baratta, professeur a l'Universite de Macerata.
Private International Law as Component of the Law of the Forum. General Course on Private International Law by M. Bogdan, Professor at the University ...
L'independance des juges internationaux, par J. Malenovsky, juge a la Cour de justice des Communautes europeennes L'independance des juges internationaux est le fruit d'une synthese particuliere du principe general de droit imposant l'independance judiciaire, d'une part, et de certaines regles traditionnelles propres au statut de l'arbitre international, d'autre part. Tant le point faible que le point fort du juge international reside dans sa nationalite, facteur de rapports ambigus entre lui et l'Etat de sa nationalite, notamment sur le plan de sa selection et de sa nomination,...
L'independance des juges internationaux, par J. Malenovsky, juge a la Cour de justice des Communautes europeennes L'independance des juges i...
Plaidoirie pour une nouvelle branche du droit: le "droit des conflits d'ordres juridiques" dans le prolongement du "droit des conflits de regles" (conference inaugurale), par W. van Gerven, ancien professeur de l'Universite de Tilburg. Successions internationales: conflits de lois et de juridictions, par A. Bonomi, professeur a l'Universite de Lausanne. Idealism and the Study of International Law (Inaugural Lecture) by B. H. Oxman, Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law.
Plaidoirie pour une nouvelle branche du droit: le "droit des conflits d'ordres juridiques" dans le prolongement du "droit des conflits de regles" (con...
This index is the twelfth in a series the object of which is to put at the disposal of users of the Collected Courses detailed and precise research tools. It is not intended to replace the general indexes, covering 25, 50, even 100 volumes, but to try to fill the gaps inherent in their publication dates, because, in effect, while waiting for them, the reader could find himself disorientated before the mass of documentation put at his disposal with no real indexation. Volume 320A covers the volumes published in 2005 and 2006 (volumes 311-320).
This index is the twelfth in a series the object of which is to put at the disposal of users of the Collected Courses detailed and precise rese...
Internationalization of the Practice of Law and Important Emerging Issues for Investor-State Arbitration (Opening Lecture) by C. B. Lamm, Partner White & Case (Washington, D.C.) The Principle of Comity in Private International Law by A. Briggs, Professor of Private International Law at the University of Oxford Non-discrimination in the World Trade Organization: The Rules and Exceptions by W. J. Davey, Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law Emeritus at the University of Illinois.
Internationalization of the Practice of Law and Important Emerging Issues for Investor-State Arbitration (Opening Lecture) by C. B. Lamm, Partner Whit...