It is a real challenge to deal with the subject of economic sanctions, a topic where law meets politics, while touching upon almost all areas of the law: public international law, private international law, even private law and public law, not to mention the "internal" law of certain international organizations particularly active in the field, especially the EC/EU. Sometimes considered as a "punitive" and "brutal" instrument, economic sanctions - even when adopted by a universal institution - have often proven to be ineffective. While the issue of the effectiveness of sanctions, as such,...
It is a real challenge to deal with the subject of economic sanctions, a topic where law meets politics, while touching upon almost all areas of the l...
This collection of essays offers a precise and evocative image of a remarkable evolution in concepts and practices within international economic law, which may be a preparatory phase on the way towards a true law of globalisation. Cette collection d'etudes presente une vision detaillee de l'evolution subie par les concepts et pratiques du droit economique international, evolution qui pourrait constituer une phrase preparatoire vers un veritable droit de la mondialisation. Originally published as Colloques / Workshops - Law Books of the Academy, Volume 26.
This collection of essays offers a precise and evocative image of a remarkable evolution in concepts and practices within international economic law, ...
The international community today confronts a dramatic paradox: we continue to produce more and more food, yet malnutrition, hunger and famine continue and even increase, placing millions of people in peril. At the same time, the more food is produced, the more risks of unsafe food are increasingly apparent and call to be addressed, partly through law. We hope that this work may contribute to fill a major gap in the field: although food security constitutes a serious challenge on the world scale, one with many consequences, it has so far hardly been a subject of serious attention by scholars...
The international community today confronts a dramatic paradox: we continue to produce more and more food, yet malnutrition, hunger and famine continu...
The regulation of shared water resources has emerged as one of the most fundamental elements for ensuring international stability and assisting in socio-economic and sustainable development. Major developments have taken place in the last decade in international water law, providing both opportunities and challenges to lawyers concerned with this field of international law. Yet a large number of international watercourses remain without agreements regulating their sharing, management or protection. Moreover, a large portion of the existing agreements are not inclusive; and for one reason or...
The regulation of shared water resources has emerged as one of the most fundamental elements for ensuring international stability and assisting in soc...
The essays contained in this volume derive from a high-level Workshop organized by the Hague Academy of International Law to determine whether the legal fundamentals that were established a century ago remain relevant today or whether they have been affected by the requirements of today's world. The world of a century ago only faintly resembles the world in which we now live, and it is therefore legitimate to ask whether the rules laid down in 1907 respond to the needs of 2007. How can it be disputed that the requirement for peace, law, the settlement of disputes, and humanitarian principles...
The essays contained in this volume derive from a high-level Workshop organized by the Hague Academy of International Law to determine whether the leg...
Any dreams that Europe had at last become too mature a society of states for the continent to be afficted by bloody international disputes have been shattered in recent months. This unique book examines both the sources of disputes -- the delimination of boundaries, ethnic differences, human rights violations, environmental damage, drug control, etc. -- and the most appropriate methods for settling them. The examination is thorough and detailed, and the result is a substantial work, authored by leading authorities, many of whom have played major roles in devising and operating dispute...
Any dreams that Europe had at last become too mature a society of states for the continent to be afficted by bloody international disputes have been s...
The essays contained in this volume derive from a high-level Workshop organized by the Hague Academy of International Law to determine whether the legal fundamentals that were established a century ago remain relevant today or whether they have been affected by the requirements of today's world. The world of a century ago only faintly resembles the world in which we now live, and it is therefore legitimate to ask whether the rules laid down in 1907 respond to the needs of 2007. How can it be disputed that the requirement for peace, law, the settlement of disputes, and humanitarian principles...
The essays contained in this volume derive from a high-level Workshop organized by the Hague Academy of International Law to determine whether the leg...