Synopsis Rage Ryders are back for Tic and Kori's story. Their story started years ago, and they're finally getting their reunion. Sadis 'Tic' and Kori fell in love only to have it ripped apart by her father and his evil plans for his daughter. She's always known her father is evil, but when he makes plans to hurt Tic and his brothers she makes a decision which will impact all of their lives. So Kori does what she feels is best -- she runs. Tic knew the day was coming when Kori was leaving, they had it planned, but when she left before schedule he had known her father was involved. Vowing to...
Synopsis Rage Ryders are back for Tic and Kori's story. Their story started years ago, and they're finally getting their reunion. Sadis 'Tic' and Kori...