The adventures of mind "Sweepers" continue in this supernatural romance Fumi Nishioka lives with Kyutaro Horikita and his family of "Sweepers," people who specialize in cleaning the minds of those overcome by negative energy and harmful spirits. Fumi has always displayed mysterious abilities, but will those powers be used for evil when she begins to truly awaken as the Queen? In a bid to move forward, Kyutaro and Fumi share a sweet secret Later, when they go to The Inside with Sendai to cleanse Ms. Hayashi's Mind Vault, will they succeed in saving her? And what is Bug Handler Ataru...
The adventures of mind "Sweepers" continue in this supernatural romance Fumi Nishioka lives with Kyutaro Horikita and his family of "Sweepers," p...
The adventures of mind "Sweepers" continue in this supernatural romance Fumi Nishioka lives with Kyutaro Horikita and his family of "Sweepers," people who specialize in cleaning the minds of those overcome by negative energy and harmful spirits. Fumi has always displayed mysterious abilities, but will those powers be used for evil when she begins to truly awake as a Queen? As Fumi's dangerous new powers blossom, Kyutaro might be the only one who can help her keep them under control. Then, when Kyutaro tells Fumi that he'll never leave her side, she unexpectedly starts to fall for...
The adventures of mind "Sweepers" continue in this supernatural romance Fumi Nishioka lives with Kyutaro Horikita and his family of "Sweepers," p...