Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of scaling theory and construction, focusing on a variety of unidimensional scaling models. The authors present an overview and comparative analysis of such techniques as Thurstone scaling, Likert scaling, Guttman scaling, and unfolding theory, with emphasis on their varying conceptions of dimensionality.
Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of scaling theory and construction, focusing on a variety of unidimensional scaling models. The author...
'The book is a good introduction, with practical examples and suggestions as to log-log plotting. There is even a footnote reminding one of the basic arithmetic of logarithms! There are examples, validity studies and several suggestions as to the value of line marking as a questionnaire response mode. In all a valuable informative addition to an important series.' -- Quantitative Sociology Newsletter
'The book is a good introduction, with practical examples and suggestions as to log-log plotting. There is even a footnote reminding one of the basic ...
Interpreting and Using Regression sets out the actual procedures researchers employ, places them in the framework of statistical theory, and shows how good research takes account both of statistical theory and real world demands. Achen builds a working philosophy of regression that goes well beyond the abstract, unrealistic treatment given in previous texts.
Interpreting and Using Regression sets out the actual procedures researchers employ, places them in the framework of statistical theory, and shows ...
Clearly reviews the properties of important contemporary measures of association and correlation. Liebetrau devotes full chapters to measures for nominal, ordinal, and continuous (interval) data, paying special attention to the sampling distributions needed to determine levels of significance and confidence intervals. Valuable discussions also focus on the relationships between various measures, the sampling properties of their estimators and the comparative advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.
Clearly reviews the properties of important contemporary measures of association and correlation. Liebetrau devotes full chapters to measures for nomi...
A unique, practical manual for identifying and analyzing item bias in standardized tests. Osterlind discusses five strategies for detecting bias: analysis of variance, transformed item difficulties, chi square, item characteristic curve, and distractor response. He covers specific hypotheses under test for each technique, as well as the capabilities and limitations of each strategy.
A unique, practical manual for identifying and analyzing item bias in standardized tests. Osterlind discusses five strategies for detecting bias: anal...
A statistical method that will appeal to two groups in particular - those who are currently using the more traditional technique of exploratory factor analysis and those who are interested in the analysis of covariance structures, commonly known as the LISREL model. The first group will find that this technique may be more appropriate to the analysis of their research problems while the second group will find that confirmatory factor analysis is a useful first step to understanding the LISREL model. This book, and its companion volume, "Covariance Structure Models," are designed to be read...
A statistical method that will appeal to two groups in particular - those who are currently using the more traditional technique of exploratory fac...
While many readers may be unfamiliar with the full complexity of the covariance structure model, many may have mastered at least one of its two components, each of which is a powerful and well-known statistical technique in its own right. The first is the confirmatory factor model frequently used in psychometrics; the second, the structural equation model, is familiar to econometricians. The discussion in this volume will be particularly useful for estimating models with equality constraints and correlated errors across some but not all equations. The final chapter includes a guide to...
While many readers may be unfamiliar with the full complexity of the covariance structure model, many may have mastered at least one of its two compon...
A book which summarizes many of the recent advances in the theory and practice of achievement testing, in the light of technological developments, and developments in psychometric and psychological theory. It provides an introduction to the two major psychometric models, item response theory and generalizability theory, and assesses their strengths for different applications. The book closes with some speculations about the future of achievement tests for the assessment of individuals, as well as monitoring of educational progress. '...the book contains valuable information for both beginners...
A book which summarizes many of the recent advances in the theory and practice of achievement testing, in the light of technological developments, and...
The concepts of game theory (rationality etc) now pervade much of social science, so that Professor Zagare's exposition of game theory and its applications (intended to convert the unconverted and initiate the uninitiated) is very welcome. He provides methods for analysing the structure of the game; considers zero and nonzero-sum games and the fundamental 'minimax theorem'; and investigates games with more than two players, including the possibility of coalitions between players. Diverse examples give the reader an idea of how the theory can be applied to a wide range of situations.
The concepts of game theory (rationality etc) now pervade much of social science, so that Professor Zagare's exposition of game theory and its applica...
Multiple Comparisons demonstrates the most important methods of investigating differences between levels of an independent variable within an experimental design. The authors review the analysis of variance and hypothesis testing and describe the dimensions on which multiple comparisons vary. A feature is the use made of a famous experiment by Solomon Asch on group conformity. The authors demonstrate the statistical power of each method against this one experimental question.
Multiple Comparisons demonstrates the most important methods of investigating differences between levels of an independent variable within an experime...