This volume presents biographical information and award-winning works by Americanwomen journalists earning the coveted Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. Ittook about two decades after the establishment of the awards that the first female wasdecorated with this honor. Based on the jury reports of the prize-giving committees, itis documented in this book how the discussions within the judges went until decisionsabout winners were reached.Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, EdD, PhD, is Professor Emeritusat the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany.
This volume presents biographical information and award-winning works by Americanwomen journalists earning the coveted Pulitzer Prize for Internationa...
This volume deals with important historical aspects of the `Associated Press', thelargest news agency in the world with bureaus in more than 100 countries. The bookconcentrates on those Pulitzer Prizes earned by AP journalists for topics of some kindof international or foreign relevance, either for texts or pictures, covering the periodfrom 1938 - 2020.Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, EdD, PhD, is Professor Emeritusat the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany.
This volume deals with important historical aspects of the `Associated Press', thelargest news agency in the world with bureaus in more than 100 count...
This volume presents excerpts from fifteen Pulitzer Prize-winning biographical works about well-known American writers of different kinds, - communicators in form of contributors to newspapers as well as novelists and poets. Each author isprotrayed by describing remarkable phases in his or her career.Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, EdD, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany.
This volume presents excerpts from fifteen Pulitzer Prize-winning biographical works about well-known American writers of different kinds, - communica...