Readers of the first volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery may remember the introductory remarks of Drs. Wagner and Hungerford. It is the intention of the editors of this publication to familiarize English - speaking orthopaedists with articles published in the European literature which, because of language barriers, would otherwise be inaccessible to them. Most articles in this second volume also are translations of papers originally printed in Der Orthopiide. The purpose of this German medical journal is to disseminate the newest experiences of orthopaedic problems in a form that is of...
Readers of the first volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery may remember the introductory remarks of Drs. Wagner and Hungerford. It is the intentio...
The editorial group has selected these papers for publication in Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery from contributions to the "Reisensburg Workshop of Clinical Trauma Surgery" dealing with the lesions of knee ligaments and cartilage in 1975. They represent a survey of today's knowledge of pathophy siology, diagnostic means, and therapy of these lesions in the German-speaking countries. There are two "Reisensburg Workshops" annually, covering current topics of traumatology sponsored by the Ulm trauma group. Primary attention is focused not upon review lectures but rather upon the extensive...
The editorial group has selected these papers for publication in Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery from contributions to the "Reisensburg Workshop of Cl...
The fourth volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery is somewhat different from pre vious publications of the series. The editors have again tried to present two topics but the publications presented from the European literature are of very recent origin. In the age of total joint replacement it was felt to be imperative to counteract the pre sent tendency to treat every joint which does not seem to be healthy with an artificial re placement. Orthopaedic surgery seems to be influenced by trends. In 1963, E. A. Nichol discussing intracapsular hip fractures, quoted from Alice In Wonderland in...
The fourth volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery is somewhat different from pre vious publications of the series. The editors have again tried to ...
Recent experience of the treatment of segmental idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head are discussed in this book by several experts. The discussed methods oftreatment are practically unknown in the US orthopaedic literature. It describes alternate methods of treatment with regard to total joint replacement In Chapter 1 Dr. Wagenhauser expresses his thoughts on posture and its affects on the human body. The following 7 chapters focus on diagnosis and treatment of idio pathic necrosis of the femoral head - an especially timely subject since the incidence of this disease, which primarily...
Recent experience of the treatment of segmental idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head are discussed in this book by several experts. The discussed m...