The first European Congress of Mathematics was held in Paris from July 6 to July 10, 1992, at the Sorbonne and Pantheon-Sorbonne universities. It was hoped that the Congress would constitute a symbol of the development of the community of European nations. More than 1,300 persons attended the Congress. The purpose of the Congress was twofold. On the one hand, there was a scientific facet which consisted of forty-nine invited mathematical lectures that were intended to establish the state of the art in the various branches of pure and applied mathematics. This scientific facet also included...
The first European Congress of Mathematics was held in Paris from July 6 to July 10, 1992, at the Sorbonne and Pantheon-Sorbonne universities. It was ...
The objective of this monograph is to present a coherent picture of the almost mysterious role that analytic methods and, in particular, multidimensional residue have recently played in obtaining effective estimates for problems in commutative algebra. Bezout identifies, i.e.,f1g1+...+fmgm=1, appear naturally in many problems, for example in commutative algebra in the Nullstellensatz, and in signal processing in the deconvolution problem. One way to solve them is by using explicit interpolation formulas in Cn, and these depend on the theory of multidimensional residues. The authors present...
The objective of this monograph is to present a coherent picture of the almost mysterious role that analytic methods and, in particular, multidimensio...
For about a decade I have made an effort to study quadratic forms in infinite dimensional vector spaces over arbitrary division rings. Here we present in a systematic fashion half of the results found du- ring this period, to wit, the results on denumerably infinite spaces (" NO-forms'''). Certain among the results included here had of course been published at the time when they were found, others appear for the first time (the case, for example, in Chapters IX, X, XII where I in- clude results contained in the Ph.D.theses by my students W. Allenspach, L. Brand, U. Schneider, M. Studer). If...
For about a decade I have made an effort to study quadratic forms in infinite dimensional vector spaces over arbitrary division rings. Here we present...
This is a collection of research-oriented monographs, reports, and notes arising from lectures and seminars on the Weil representation, the Maslov index, and the Theta series. It is good contribution to the international scientific community, particularly for researchers and graduate students in the field.
This is a collection of research-oriented monographs, reports, and notes arising from lectures and seminars on the Weil representation, the Maslov ...
One of the most intriguing problems of modern number theory is to relate the arithmetic of abelian varieties to the special values of associated L-functions. A very precise conjecture has been formulated for elliptic curves by Birc and Swinnerton-Dyer and generalized to abelian varieties by Tate. The numerical evidence is quite encouraging. A weakened form of the conjectures has been verified for CM elliptic curves by Coates and Wiles, and recently strengthened by K. Rubin. But a general proof of the conjectures seems still to be a long way off. A few years ago, B. Mazur 26] proved a weak...
One of the most intriguing problems of modern number theory is to relate the arithmetic of abelian varieties to the special values of associated L-fun...
Ideals e) Exterior Differential Systems EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS FOR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS ~liTH ONE I. Classical Examples b) Variational Equations for Integral Manifolds of Differential Systems c) Differential Systems in Good Form; iii) the Genera 1 Euler Equations 2 K /2 ds b) Examples: i) the Euler Equations Associated to f for lEn;
Ideals e) Exterior Differential Systems EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS FOR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS ~liTH ONE I. Classical Examples b) Variational Equations for...