Contents: Badrikian, A.: Prolegomenes au calcul des probabilites dans les Banach.- Fernique, X. Regularite des trajectoires des fonctions aleatoires Gaussiennes -Hoffmann-Jorgensen, Jorgen: Probability in Banach space.- Kuelbs, J.: The law of the iterated logarithm and related strong convergence theorems for Banach space valued random variables.
Contents: Badrikian, A.: Prolegomenes au calcul des probabilites dans les Banach.- Fernique, X. Regularite des trajectoires des fonctions aleatoires G...
Contents: Durrett, Rick: Ten lectures on particle systems.- Liggett, T.M.: The stochastic evolution of infinite systems of interacting particles.- Spitzer, Frank L.: Introduction aux processus de Markov a parametre dans Zʋ
Contents: Durrett, Rick: Ten lectures on particle systems.- Liggett, T.M.: The stochastic evolution of infinite systems of interacting particles.- Spi...
Conze, J.P.: Systemes topologiques et metriques en theorie ergodique.-Kingman, J.F.C.: Subadditive Processes.-Guivarc'h, Y.: Quelques proprietes asymptotiques des produits de matricesaleatoires.-Ledrappier, F.: Quelques proprietes des exposants caracteristiques. "
Conze, J.P.: Systemes topologiques et metriques en theorie ergodique.-Kingman, J.F.C.: Subadditive Processes.-Guivarc'h, Y.: Quelques proprietes asymp...
El Karoui: Les aspects probabilistes du controle stochastique.- Pardoux, Etienne: Filtrage non lineaire et equations aux derivees partielles stochastiques associees.- Yor, M.: Sur la theorie du filtrage.
El Karoui: Les aspects probabilistes du controle stochastique.- Pardoux, Etienne: Filtrage non lineaire et equations aux derivees partielles stochasti...
Biane, Philippe: Non-commutative stochastic calculus.-Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil: Lectures on free probability.- Guionnet, Alice: Large random matrices: Lectures on macroscopic asymptotics.
Biane, Philippe: Non-commutative stochastic calculus.-Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil: Lectures on free probability.- Guionnet, Alice: Large random matrices: L...
Includes: Azencott, R: Large deviations and applications; Freidlin, Mark I Semi-linear PDE's and limit theorems for large deviations; Varadhan, Srinivasa R S: Large deviations and applications.
Includes: Azencott, R: Large deviations and applications; Freidlin, Mark I Semi-linear PDE's and limit theorems for large deviations; Varadhan, Sriniv...
Kunita, H.: Stochastic differential equations and stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms.-Elworthy, D.: Geometric aspects of diffusions on manifolds.-Ancona, A.: Theorie du potential sur les graphs et les varieties.-Emery, M.: Continuous martingales in differentiable manifolds.
Kunita, H.: Stochastic differential equations and stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms.-Elworthy, D.: Geometric aspects of diffusions on manifolds.-Anc...