About the Contributor(s): Jennifer Moberly is Chaplain of St. Mary's College, Durham University, and Tutor at the Anglican seminary Cranmer Hall, St. John's College, Durham University.
About the Contributor(s): Jennifer Moberly is Chaplain of St. Mary's College, Durham University, and Tutor at the Anglican seminary Cranmer Hall, St. ...
About the Contributor(s): Brendan Thomas Sammon received his PhD in systematic theology from The Catholic University of America and is currently an assistant professor of systematic theology at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the author of the forthcoming Theology and Beauty: An Introduction to Theological Aesthetics
About the Contributor(s): Brendan Thomas Sammon received his PhD in systematic theology from The Catholic University of America and is currently an as...
Religious diversity is a persistent theological predicament for Christian thinkers. Historically, theologians have wrestled with the relationship between believing Christians and religious others. The clash between the Christian doctrine of salvation and non-Christian belief systems often comes down to the question, can non-Christians be ""saved""? In a pluralist world, a second question arises: can believers of divergent traditions reconcile their theological differences? Is the logical answer that one believer abandon her faith convictions and promote a relativistic mindset? This book draws...
Religious diversity is a persistent theological predicament for Christian thinkers. Historically, theologians have wrestled with the relationship betw...
About the Contributor(s): Anthony G. Siegrist (ThD Wycliffe College, University of Toronto) is Assistant Professor of Theology at Prairie Bible College in Alberta, Canada.
About the Contributor(s): Anthony G. Siegrist (ThD Wycliffe College, University of Toronto) is Assistant Professor of Theology at Prairie Bible Colleg...
About the Contributor(s): Joas Adiprasetya is the President of Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia, where he also teaches systematic theology and theology of religions.
About the Contributor(s): Joas Adiprasetya is the President of Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia, where he also teaches systematic theology and ...
Description: ""We offer this collection as a token of our affection and admiration of our friend and colleague James Weldon Thompson. . . . His studies of the letter to the Hebrews and of Paul in their intellectual contexts (especially Middle Platonism) have contributed significantly to the ongoing quest for placing the New Testament in its socio-intellectual setting. Although his publications in this area date back more than thirty years, his best work is occurring now, and we may anticipate path-breaking contributions ahead. His more recent work on preaching and pastoral care in Paul both...
Description: ""We offer this collection as a token of our affection and admiration of our friend and colleague James Weldon Thompson. . . . His studie...
Description: Does education have any relation to theology? How do the educator's worldview commitments speak to his or her practice of education? James Michael Lee brought a definite answer to these questions--a firm no to the relations question, and an advocacy for empirical findings over and against any speculative or theoretical positions in reply to the commitments question. Lee claimed to have a universal, neutral metatheory for all religious education, a theory that would apply to all religious educators in any and every religion. But in proposing his theory he overlooked the way that...
Description: Does education have any relation to theology? How do the educator's worldview commitments speak to his or her practice of education? Jame...
Description: ""One of the great joys of the academic life is to pay homage in a Festschrift to a scholar who has influenced both colleagues and students over years of interaction and friendship both professional and personal. This volume honors a scholar and theologian of historical theology, a theorist and a practitioner of religion and the arts, and a keen analyst of cultural trends both ancient and modern. . . . "" Margaret R.] Miles's prodigious production as a scholar has legendary qualities. Her dozen-plus books alone explore history, patristics, ancient philosophy, art and art history,...
Description: ""One of the great joys of the academic life is to pay homage in a Festschrift to a scholar who has influenced both colleagues and studen...
Description: Colonial Presbyterianism is a collection of essays that tell the story of the Presbyterian Church during its formative years in America. The book brings together research from a broad group of scholars into an accessible format for laymen, clergy, and scholars. Through a survey of important personalities and events, the contributors offer a compelling narrative that will be of interest to Presbyterians and all persons interested in colonial America's religious experience. The clergy described in these essays made a lasting impact on their generation both within the church and in...
Description: Colonial Presbyterianism is a collection of essays that tell the story of the Presbyterian Church during its formative years in America. ...
Description: Is hope an attitude of wishful thinking or is it a volitional appropriation of what is to come? What does it mean to believe in a divine promise, anticipating but not experiencing its fulfillment? Theology of Anticipation responds to these questions with a constructive study of C. S. Peirce's philosophy. It explores Peirce's strong but ambiguous links to the tradition of 19th century classical German philosophy and the unique way he resurrected this tradition's theoretical content in the American context. Then introducing Wolfhart Pannenberg's philosophical theology of...
Description: Is hope an attitude of wishful thinking or is it a volitional appropriation of what is to come? What does it mean to believe in a divine ...