One of the marks of the ministry of Jesus is his compassionate care for the sick. Jesus brought healing and hope to individuals struggling with life-debilitating illnesses. Ministry to the sick should also be a mark of his followers, but in many churches today it is neglected or pushed to the periphery of ministry concerns.
To counter our modern tendency to minimize or ignore sickness, pastor Brian Croft looks to paradigms of the past and examines historical models of care that honor...
How Do You Care for the Sick?
Here's How.
One of the marks of the ministry of Jesus is his...
Those who are involved in full-time ministry often say they have been "called" to do what they do. But what does that mean? Who does the "calling," and how is it received?
In Prepare Them to Shepherd, pastor Brian Croft unpacks the biblical model for preparing individuals for full-time ministry. In the past, training and sending individuals into full-time pastoral ministry and missionary work was viewed as the responsibility of the local church. Today, much of that responsibility has been delegated to Bible...
Are You Called to Ministry?
Those who are involved in full-time ministry often say they have been "called" to do w...
The phone rings: "Pastor, can you do my mother's funeral?" Or, "Please help us--our baby just died." Death comes unexpectedly, giving you two to three days of time to prepare a sermon--in the midst of caring for a grieving family. This helpful book walks a pastor through the logistics of memorial services, burials, and working with funeral homes--using the four P's: Plan, Prepare, Preach, and Perform. It shows how to magnify Christ and the gospel in the midst of all the details, demands, and sorrow that surrounds the death of...
Bring Gospel Hope in the Midst of Death
The phone rings: "Pastor, can you do my mother's funeral?" Or, "Please help us--our...
Until the end of time, when the curse of sin is finally removed, suffering will be a large part of the human experience and a large part of that suffering will be walking through the painful reality of death. 'Death, ' writes Paul Tautges, 'provides a natural opportunity not only for ministry to others, but also for personal growth in ministers.' Those who shepherd others through the pain and loss that accompanies death should seek to offer wise and biblical counsel on these precious and painful occasions.
This book is a treasure chest of pastoral theology that will equip you to...
Until the end of time, when the curse of sin is finally removed, suffering will be a large part of the human experience and a large part of that su...
"God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). The Bible tells us that we are to worship the Lord, that we were created for this purpose. But what is true worship? What does the Bible teach about the right--and the wrong--ways to worship God? In this book, pastors Brian Croft and Jason Adkins unpack a biblical theology of worship, discuss the practical matters of planning a worship service, and offer suggestions and insights on the best way to lead a worship service that honors the Lord.
The Practical Shepherding series of guides provides...
"God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). The Bible tells us that we are to worship the Lord, that we w...
The Bible gives instruction to those called to church leadership, challenging them to shepherd God's people by exercising oversight. But what does that mean? And how is it done in a way that is faithful to God and effective in enabling growth, individually and corporately?
The Practical Shepherding series of guides provides pastors and ministry leaders with practical help to do the work of pastoral ministry in a local church. In Oversee God's People, pastors Brian Croft and Bryce Butler unpack what the Bible teaches about administration and the necessity of delegation in...
The Bible gives instruction to those called to church leadership, challenging them to shepherd God's people by exercising oversight. But what does ...
"Brothers, pray for us." (1 Thessalonians 5:25). The Apostle Paul's letters are filled with references to prayer--requests for prayer from the churches, prayers for them, and teaching and encouragement that God was working through these prayers. Pastors and church leaders know that prayer is powerful and it must be a priority in any ministry, yet many pastors struggle to maintain an active prayer life. Ever more difficult is the challenge of praying for the flock, lifting up the needs of the people God has placed in your care.
The Practical Shepherding series of guides provides...
"Brothers, pray for us." (1 Thessalonians 5:25). The Apostle Paul's letters are filled with references to prayer--requests for prayer from the chur...