Democratic Development in East Asia explores an important but neglected topic in the literature on democratization in East Asia: the international dimension of democratization. It presents a coherent and comprehensive analysis of the impact of external political, economic and cultural factors on China, South Korea and Taiwan's political development since World War II. The author analyzes the circumstances under which the international context affects domestic actors' choice of political institutions and actions and concentrates on a selection of key international structures and actors that...
Democratic Development in East Asia explores an important but neglected topic in the literature on democratization in East Asia: the international di...
This book brings together a collection of essays covering the media and public debate dimension of the events of 9/11, and beyond, from the point of view of Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
This book brings together a collection of essays covering the media and public debate dimension of the events of 9/11, and beyond, from the point of v...
This book examines instances in Southeast and East Asian countries where communitarianism is both articulated as national ideology and embedded as the ethos of social life.
This book examines instances in Southeast and East Asian countries where communitarianism is both articulated as national ideology and embedded as the...