Pythagoras (ca 585 BC 495 BC), a a philosopher, mathematician and musical theoretician wrote nothing down during the course of his life, not even the Theorem attributed to him. And yet his knowledge and wisdom changed the world, and have survived through the ages to benefit us today. The essence of Pythagoras teachings is contained in TheGolden Verses, seventy-one verses constituting guidelines on how to live. Functioning as admonitions, they link the human with the divine element and determine the point at which both converge to reveal how we might ourselves attain this supreme virtue in...
Pythagoras (ca 585 BC 495 BC), a a philosopher, mathematician and musical theoretician wrote nothing down during the course of his life, not even the...
"Of all existing things, some are in our power, and others are not in our power." So begins the Enchiridion or Manual on the Art of Living of Epictetus, a collection of precepts that together provide a powerful philosophy for daily life. With practical grace and wisdom, the Manual addresses living with integrity, self-management, and personal freedom. The Manual is considered to be the pinnacle of Stoic philosophy, a school of Greek thought originating in the early third century BC, that holds that destructive emotions are the result of errors in judgement and taught an active relationship...
"Of all existing things, some are in our power, and others are not in our power." So begins the Enchiridion or Manual on the Art of Living of Epictet...