Revisionen des Epochenprofils durch einen historisch trennscharfen Konzept-rahmen zu ermoglichen - mit diesem Ziel hat der Munchner Sonderforschungsbereich 573 eine Heuristik erarbeitet, die sich von den Teleologien vorgangiger Forschungsparadigmen abhebt. Anders als Konzepte wie 'Modernisierung', 'Sakularisierung' oder 'Rationalisierung' zielt diese Heuristik darauf ab, richtungsoffene und widerspruchliche Entwicklungen auf allen Ebenen der fruhneuzeitlichen Kultur zu erkennen und zu beschreiben. Fur die Fruhe Neuzeit ist typisch, dass Autoritaten auf Gegenautoritaten treffen,...
Revisionen des Epochenprofils durch einen historisch trennscharfen Konzept-rahmen zu ermoglichen - mit diesem Ziel hat der Munchner Sonderforschung...
The contributions of this volume discuss the usability of the concept of "pluralization" as the guiding concept for analyzing the early modern era. The first meaning of pluralization is the increase of the representations of reality which are relevant in an area of life and culture; furthermore this term expresses the emergence of "new" and/or alternative knowledge and the development of competitive partial realities. These have to be coordinated or mediated with each other. The contributions and case studies of this volume analyze this process and give important impulses for fundamental...
The contributions of this volume discuss the usability of the concept of "pluralization" as the guiding concept for analyzing the early modern era....
Wahrend die Philosophie noch bis Newton die wissenschaftlichen Bemuhungen bezeichnet, wurde in der Fruhen Neuzeit die Philologie sehr unterschiedlich verstanden: als universelles Wissen von sprachlich Vermitteltem, aber auch als technische Behandlung der schriftlichen Urkunden oder als Ansammlung von Wissensbestanden in Gestalt einer Enzyklopadie. Es wird in diesem Band versucht, diese verschiedenen Aspekte naher zu beleuchten. Um die Tragweite der Philologisierung der kulturellen Vergangenheit zu verstehen, sollte man sich zunachst fur den intellektuellen Gestus...
Wahrend die Philosophie noch bis Newton die wissenschaftlichen Bemuhungen bezeichnet, wurde in der Fruhen Neuzeit die Philologie ...
Der Band prasentiert die Ergebnisse einer internationalen Tagung, die Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Theologen, Archaologen und Historiker, Anthropologen und Rechtshistoriker zusammenfuhrte. Zentrale Gegenstande sind die Voraussetzungen der Evangelisierung Amerikas in der europaischen Renaissance, in etablierten Verfahren der Katechese sowie in der Kosmovision indianischer Kulturen, ferner die Prozesse, die sich aus diesem Zusammentreffen im religiosen Kernbereich ergeben, auch in den angrenzenden Feldern der Rechtspraxis, Grammatikschreibung, des Buchmarktes sowie in literarischen...
Der Band prasentiert die Ergebnisse einer internationalen Tagung, die Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Theologen, Archaologen und Historiker, ...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...