This volume contains the invited papers and selected contributed papers presented at the International Symposium on 'Electron-Molecule Scattering and Photoionization' held at SERC's Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, England from 18th to 19th July, 1987. This Symposium was a Satellite Meeting to the XVth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC I and follows a tradition of Satellite Meetings i. n related areas of collisions held in association with previous ICPEAC's. In order to make this volume as representative of the Symposium as possible 'Hot...
This volume contains the invited papers and selected contributed papers presented at the International Symposium on 'Electron-Molecule Scattering and ...
This volume contains papers associated with the conference "Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields II," that took place July 30-31 1987 at Royal Holloway and Beford New College. The first meeting of this name was held at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland in 1984, and, if any tradition can yet be said to have been established in the series, it is that the proceedings be written after the conference. We hope thereby to preserve some impression of the discussions that took place, which in both cases were vigorous and unihibited. Both meetings happen to have...
This volume contains papers associated with the conference "Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields II," that took place July 30-31 1987 at R...
This book is a short outline of the present state of the theory of electron collisions with atomic particles - atoms, molecules and ions. It is addressed to those who by nature of their work need detailed information about the cross sections of various processes of electron collisions with atomic particles: experimentalists working in plasma physics, optics, quantum electronics, atmospheric and space physics, 'etc. Some of the cross sections have been measured. But in many important cases the only source of information is theoretical calcu lation. The numerous theoretical papers dealing with...
This book is a short outline of the present state of the theory of electron collisions with atomic particles - atoms, molecules and ions. It is addres...
H. J. BEYER AND H. KLEINPOPPEN We are pleased to present Part D of Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy to the scientific community active in this field of research. When we invited authors to contribute articles to Part C to be dedicated to Wilhelm Hanle, we received a sufficiently enthusiastic response that we could embark on two further volumes and thus approach the initial goal (set when Parts A and B were in the planning stage) of an almost comprehensive survey of the current state of atomic spectroscopy. As mentioned in the introduction to Parts A and B, new experimental methods have...
H. J. BEYER AND H. KLEINPOPPEN We are pleased to present Part D of Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy to the scientific community active in this field of...
W. HANLE and H. KLEINPOPPEN In 1919, in the first edition of Atombau and Spektrallinien, Sommerfeld referred to the immense amount of information which had been accumu lated during the first period of 60 years of spectroscopic practice. Sommer feld emphasized that the names of Planck and Bohr would be connected forever with the efforts that had been made to understand the physics and the theory of spectral lines. Another period of almost 60 years has elapsed since the first edition of Sommerfeld's famous monograph. As the editors of this monograph, Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, we feel...
W. HANLE and H. KLEINPOPPEN In 1919, in the first edition of Atombau and Spektrallinien, Sommerfeld referred to the immense amount of information whic...
An understanding of the collisions between micro particles is of great importance for the number of fields belonging to physics, chemistry, astrophysics, biophysics etc. The present book, a theory for electron-atom and molecule collisions is developed using non-relativistic quantum mechanics in a systematic and lucid manner. The scattering theory is an essential part of the quantum mechanics course of all universities. During the last 30 years, the author has lectured on the topics presented in this book (collisions physics, photon-atom collisions, electron-atom and electron-molecule...
An understanding of the collisions between micro particles is of great importance for the number of fields belonging to physics, chemistry, astrophysi...
This book was written by a group of authors and provides a systematic dis- cussion of questions related to bremsstrahlung in many-particle systems. A number of new results have recently been obtained in this area which require a fundamental revision of the previously existing traditional concepts of bremsstrahlung. This ap- plies both to complicated atoms containing a large number of electrons and to the additional bremsstrahlung in a system of many particles forming a medium. In fact, the traditional approach was rigorously applicable only either to isolated "structureless" particles (e. g.,...
This book was written by a group of authors and provides a systematic dis- cussion of questions related to bremsstrahlung in many-particle systems. A ...
This book gives a complete account of electron momentum spectroscopy to date. It describes in detail the construction of spectrometers and the acquisition and reduction of cross-section data, explaining the quantum theory of the reaction and giving experimental verification.
This book gives a complete account of electron momentum spectroscopy to date. It describes in detail the construction of spectrometers and the acqu...
The first presentation of the novel interdisciplinary optical remote sensing technique for various ionized diluted media, based on the collisional polarization of the spectoral emission. The book provides a methodology of the impact spectropolarimetic sensing of many solutions to many practical diagnostic problems.
The first presentation of the novel interdisciplinary optical remote sensing technique for various ionized diluted media, based on the collisional ...
In the spring of 1970 Peter Farago organised a three-day conference on Polarised Electron Beams at Carberry Tower, near Edinburgh. Although the development of the gallium arsenide source, which was to revolutionise the world of experimental polarised electron physics, was still some years in the future, the meeting provided an important forum for the exchange of ideas among theoreticians and experimentalists engaged in both high and low energy electron collision studies. As soon as the decision had been taken to hold the 5th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics in Edinburgh in...
In the spring of 1970 Peter Farago organised a three-day conference on Polarised Electron Beams at Carberry Tower, near Edinburgh. Although the develo...