This fourth volume in the series 'Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures' is concerned with providing a critical review of the significant optical and electrical properties by established authors who have themselves made many significant contributions to these fields. Research into these materials has recently gained a new impetus and their fascinating properties have attracted many new research workers. These people should find much of value in the reviews contained in this volume and the editor is very much indebted for the painstaking and hard work put into the...
This fourth volume in the series 'Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures' is concerned with providing a critical review of the sig...
This monograph is intended to give the reader an appreciation of the wealth of phases, elements and inorganic compounds, which crystallize in layer-type or two- dimensional structures. Originally this work was planned as a short review article but the large number of phases made it grow out to the size of a book. As is evident from the arrangement of the chapters our point of view was gradually transmuting from geometric to chemical. Moreover, the decision about the compounds that should be discussed was taken only during the course of the work, as is partly evident from the sequence of the...
This monograph is intended to give the reader an appreciation of the wealth of phases, elements and inorganic compounds, which crystallize in layer-ty...
Materials with layered structures remain an extensively investigated subject in current physics and chemistry. Most of the promising technological applications however deal with intercalation compounds of layered materials. Graphite intercalation compounds have now been known for a long time. Intercalation in transition metal dichalcogenides, on the other hand, has been investigated only recently. The amount of information on intercalated layered materials has increased far beyond the original concept for this volume in the series Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures....
Materials with layered structures remain an extensively investigated subject in current physics and chemistry. Most of the promising technological app...
The goal of the series Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures is to give a critical survey of our present knowledge on a large family of materials which can be described as solids containing molecules which in two dimensions extend to infinity and which are loosely stacked on top of each other to form three- dimensional crystals. Of course, the physics and chemistry of these crystals are specific chapters in ordinary solid state science, and many a scientist hunting for new phenomena has in the past been disappointed to find that materials with layered structures are not...
The goal of the series Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures is to give a critical survey of our present knowledge on a large fam...