The philosophical study of technology has acquired only recently a voice in academic conversation. This situation is due, in part, to the fact that technology obviously impacts on "the real world," whereas the favored stereotype of philosophy allegedly does not. Furthermore, in some circles it was assumed that philosophy ought not impinge on the world. This bias continues today in the form of a general dismissal of the growing area now referred to as "applied philosophy." By contrast, the academic scrutiny of science has for the most part been accepted as legitimate for some 30 years,...
The philosophical study of technology has acquired only recently a voice in academic conversation. This situation is due, in part, to the fact that te...
In this collection we finally find the philosophy of technology, a young and rapidly developing area of scholarly interest, making contact with history of science and technology, and mainstream epistemological and metaphysical issues. The sophistication of these papers indicates the maturity of the field as it moves away from the advocacy of anti-technology ideological posturing toward a deeper understanding of the options and restraints technological developments provide. The papers presented here take us over a threshold into the real world of complicated social and technological...
In this collection we finally find the philosophy of technology, a young and rapidly developing area of scholarly interest, making contact with histor...