Regenerative medicine is rich with promethean promises. The use of human embryonic stem cells in research is justified by its advocates in terms of promises to cure a wide range of diseases and disabilities, from Alzheimer s and Parkinsonism to the results of heart attacks and spinal cord injuries. More broadly, there is the promethean allure of being able to redesign human biological nature in terms of the goals and concerns of humans. Needless to say, these allures and promises have provoked a wide range of not just moral but metaphysical reflections that reveal and reflect deep...
Regenerative medicine is rich with promethean promises. The use of human embryonic stem cells in research is justified by its advocates in terms of...
In this book the author explores the shifting philosophical boundaries of modern medical knowledge and practice occasioned by the crisis of quality-of-care, especially in terms of the various humanistic adjustments to the biomedical model. To that end he examines the metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical boundaries of these medical models. He begins with their metaphysics, analyzing the metaphysical positions and presuppositions and ontological commitments upon which medical knowledge and practice is founded. Next, he considers the epistemological issues that face these medical...
In this book the author explores the shifting philosophical boundaries of modern medical knowledge and practice occasioned by the crisis of quality...
Bioethics is a discipline still not fully explored in spite of its rather remark able expansion and sophistication during the past two decades. The prolifer ation of courses in bioethics at educational institutions of every description gives testimony to an intense academic interest in its concerns. The media have catapulted the dilemmas of bioethics out of the laboratory and library into public view arid discussion with a steady report of the so-called 'mira cles of modern medicine' and the moral perplexities which frequently accom pany them. The published work of philosophers, theologians,...
Bioethics is a discipline still not fully explored in spite of its rather remark able expansion and sophistication during the past two decades. The pr...
Section I examines historical philosophical understandings of expertise in order to situate the current institution of bioethics. Section II focuses on philosophical analyses of the concept of expertise, asking, among other things, how it should be understood, how it can be acquired, and what such expertise warrants. Finally, section III addresses topics in bioethics and how ethics expertise should or should not be brought to bear in these areas, including expertise in the court room, in the hospital room, in the media, and in making policy. 2. A GUIDED HISTORICAL TOUR As Scott LaBarge points...
Section I examines historical philosophical understandings of expertise in order to situate the current institution of bioethics. Section II focuses o...
Unlike any other volume focusing on women s health issues, this collection brings together a wealth of cross-disciplinary perspectives to bear on the intersection of breasts and medicine.
Among other works on similar subject matters, the academic versatility of this volume is unparalleled. This collection can serve as a textbook in a wide range of courses including those in philosophy, women s studies, biology, psychology, literature, history, and medicine."
Unlike any other volume focusing on women s health issues, this collection brings together a wealth of cross-disciplinary perspectives to bear on t...
B. Andrew Lustig, Baruch A. Brody, and Gerald P. McKenny Nearly every week the general public is treated to an announcement of another actual or potential "breakthrough" in biotechnology. Headlines trumpet advances in assisted reproduction, current or prospective experiments in cloning, and devel- ments in regenerative medicine, stem cell technologies, and tissue engineering. Scientific and popular accounts explore the perils and the possibilities of enhancing human capacities by computer-based, biomolecular, or mechanical means through advances in artificial intelligence, genetics, and...
B. Andrew Lustig, Baruch A. Brody, and Gerald P. McKenny Nearly every week the general public is treated to an announcement of another actual or poten...
This volume provides a critical overview of the nature of nanotechnology and its applications in the biomedical sciences, as well as the philosophical and ethico-legal issues it raises. The articles are an exploration by scholars from various disciplines.
This volume provides a critical overview of the nature of nanotechnology and its applications in the biomedical sciences, as well as the philosophical...
Medicine has been a very fruitful source of significant issues for philosophy over the last 30 years. The vast majority of the issues discussed have been normative they have been problems in morality and political philosophy that now make up the field called bioethics. However, biomedical science presents many other philosophical questions that have gotten relatively little attention, particularly topics in metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of science. This volume focuses on problems in these areas as they surface in biomedical science. Important changes in philosophy make biomedical...
Medicine has been a very fruitful source of significant issues for philosophy over the last 30 years. The vast majority of the issues discussed have b...
Bioethics developed as an academic discipline during the later part of the 20th century due to a variety of factors. Crucial to this development was the increased secularization of American culture as well as the dissolution of medicine as a guild with its own professional ethics. In the context of this moral vacuum, bioethics came into existence. Its raison d' tre was opposition to the paternalism of the medical community and traditional moral frameworks, yet at the same time it set itself up as a source of moral authority with respect to biomedical decision making. Bioethics serves as...
Bioethics developed as an academic discipline during the later part of the 20th century due to a variety of factors. Crucial to this development was t...