This book is most easily described as philosophy of history; however, this descr- tion may be a little misleading. Truly, this is a work of applied philosophy that was originally conceived not in a philosophy seminar but in a school of public policy. As a philosopher learning about the study of public policy formation, I was f- quently struck by what I perceived to be two very different sets of assumptions and methods at work. I found these assumptions and methods to be mutually exclusive conceptually, but they were often employed simultaneously. On the one hand, it was often accepted as...
This book is most easily described as philosophy of history; however, this descr- tion may be a little misleading. Truly, this is a work of applied ph...
In this study of Hegel's philosophy, Brinkmann undertakes to defend Hegel's claim to objective knowledge by bringing out the transcendental strategy underlying Hegel's argument in the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Logic. Hegel's metaphysical commitments are shown to become moot through this transcendental reading. Starting with a survey of current debates about the possibility of objective knowledge, the book next turns to the original formulation of the transcendental argument in favor of a priori knowledge in Kant's First Critique. Through a close reading of Kant's...
In this study of Hegel's philosophy, Brinkmann undertakes to defend Hegel's claim to objective knowledge by bringing out the transcendental strategy u...
The Latin root of the English word culture ties together both worship and the tilling of the soil. In each case, the focus is the same: a rightly-directed culture produces either a bountiful harvest or falls short of the mark, materially or spiritually. This volume critically explores the nature and depth of our contemporary cultural crisis: its lack of traditional orientation and moral understanding. Prime among the issues at stake are the meaning and significance of birth, copulation, suffering, and death, expressed in debates regarding human embryo-experimentation and stem cell...
The Latin root of the English word culture ties together both worship and the tilling of the soil. In each case, the focus is the same: a rightly-d...
Despite the modem recovery of virtue theory in ethics, conceptions of temperance remain largely unexamined. In this study I offer an examination ofcertain interpretive threads oftemperance as a virtue beginning in classical philosophy and moving through early to medieval Christian conceptions. I find contemporary notions oftemperance to be sorely lacking when compared and contrasted to these historical conceptions. Aristotelian and Thomistic accounts of temperance are particularly important to the normative statement of temperance I offer here. To fully understand temperance one must...
Despite the modem recovery of virtue theory in ethics, conceptions of temperance remain largely unexamined. In this study I offer an examination ofcer...
This book addresses the Confucian philosophy of common good and deals with the comparative philosophy on eastern and western understandings of common good. The common good is an essentially contested concept in contemporary moral and political discussions. Although the notion of the common good has a slightly antique air, especially in the North Atlantic discussion, it has figured prominently in both the sophisticated theoretical accounts of moral and political theory in recent years and also in the popular arguments brought for particular political policies and for more general orientations...
This book addresses the Confucian philosophy of common good and deals with the comparative philosophy on eastern and western understandings of common ...
Descartes's concern with the proper method of belief formation is evident in the titles of his works--e.g., The Search after Truth, The Rules for the Direction of the Mind and The Discourse on Method of rightly conducting one's reason and seeking the truth in the sciences. It is most apparent, however, in his famous discussions, both in the Meditations and in the Principles, of one particularly noteworthy source of our doxastic errors--namely, the misuse of one's will. What is not widely recognized, let alone appreciated and understood, is the...
Descartes's concern with the proper method of belief formation is evident in the titles of his works--e.g., The Search after Truth, The R...
In the twentieth century, in both China and the West, ritual became marginalized in the face of the growth of secularism and individualism.In China, Confucianism and its essentially ritualistic comportment to the world were vigorously suppressed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) under Mao Zedong. But de-ritualization already took place as a result of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 under Sun Yat-Sen. In the West, while the process of de-ritualization has been generally more gradual, it has been nonetheless drastic. In contrast to this situation, this volume investigates the crucial...
In the twentieth century, in both China and the West, ritual became marginalized in the face of the growth of secularism and individualism.In China...
This book addresses the Confucian philosophy of common good and deals with the comparative philosophy on Eastern and Western understandings of common good. It examines how these understandings can be resources to undermine modern Western individualism.
This book addresses the Confucian philosophy of common good and deals with the comparative philosophy on Eastern and Western understandings of common ...
Descartes's concern with the proper method of belief formation is evident in the titles of his works--e.g., The Search after Truth, The Rules for the Direction of the Mind and The Discourse on Method of rightly conducting one's reason and seeking the truth in the sciences. It is most apparent, however, in his famous discussions, both in the Meditations and in the Principles, of one particularly noteworthy source of our doxastic errors--namely, the misuse of one's will. What is not widely recognized, let alone appreciated and understood, is the...
Descartes's concern with the proper method of belief formation is evident in the titles of his works--e.g., The Search after Truth, The R...
The outbreak of World War I in August 1914,set in chain a series of crises and re-configurations, which have continued to shape the world for a century: industrialized slaughter, the end of colonialism and European empires, the rise of the USA, economic crises, fascism, Soviet Marxism, the gulags and the Shoah.
The outbreak of World War I in August 1914,set in chain a series of crises and re-configurations, which have continued to shape the world for a centur...