Wer vielen Zielen zugleich nachstrebt, Hiuft Gefahr, kein ein- ziges zu erreichen. Der Verfasser ware geme der Entwicklung des Philosophen Levinas im einzelnen nachgegangen. Er hatte geme die Beziehungen von dessen Denken zu der Philosophie Spinozas, Descartes', Kants, Bubers und Franz Rosenzweigs zum Gegen- stand besonderer Studien gemacht. Er hatte am liebsten das ge- samte Schrifttum von Levinas in seine Betrachtungen einbezo- gen. Dies alles ware moglich gewesen - aber nicht gleichzeitig, nicht im Rahmen ein und derselben Publikation. Es galt daher, eine Wahl zu treffen. 1m Hinblick auf...
Wer vielen Zielen zugleich nachstrebt, Hiuft Gefahr, kein ein- ziges zu erreichen. Der Verfasser ware geme der Entwicklung des Philosophen Levinas im ...
EINE TRAGODIE: W ALLEN STEINS UND UNSER ALLER BOSER GEIST Descartes zweifelte - selbst an der Wahrheit von Arithmetik und Geometrie: "Equidem non aliam ob causam de iis dubitandum esse . . . judicavi, quam quia veniebat in mentem forte aliquem Deum talem mihi naturam indere potuisse, ut etiam ilia deciperer, quae manifestissima viderentur. Sed quoties haec praeconcepta de summa Dei potentia opinio mihi occurrit, non possum non fateri, siquidem velit, facile illi esse efficere ut errem, etiam in his quae me puto mentis oculis quam evidentissime intueri": "Allerdings aus keinem anderen Grunde...
EINE TRAGODIE: W ALLEN STEINS UND UNSER ALLER BOSER GEIST Descartes zweifelte - selbst an der Wahrheit von Arithmetik und Geometrie: "Equidem non alia...
Das Problem der Intersubjektivitiit Intersubjektivitat ist Husserl schon seit der Darstellung der Ideen I in Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der phiinomenologischen phanomenologischen Reduk tion sehr stark bewusst und wird, wie die neue VerOffentlichung Veroffentlichung 'Zur Phanome Phiinome nologie der Intersubjektivitat'l Intersubjektivitiit'l ausdrucklich ausdrucklich zeigt, zeit seines Lebens in seinem Denken mit mehr oder weniger Intensitiit Intensitat behandelt. Bekanntlich hat Husserl Hussed die Einfuhlungslehre EinfUhlungslehre in seinem spiiten spaten Versuch mit der...
Das Problem der Intersubjektivitiit Intersubjektivitat ist Husserl schon seit der Darstellung der Ideen I in Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der phiinome...
Whenever one attempts to write about a philosopher whose native tongue is not English the problem of translations is inevitable. For the sake of simplicity and accuracy we have translated all of our quotations from the German unless otherwise noted. But for the sake of easy reference we have included the page numbers of the English translations as well as the German texts. Because there is a new translation forthcoming, we have not included references to the English translation of Ideen I. Since the German texts are readily available, we did not reproduce them in the footnotes. All quotations...
Whenever one attempts to write about a philosopher whose native tongue is not English the problem of translations is inevitable. For the sake of simpl...
The following pages attempt to develop the main outlines of an existential phenomenology of law within the context of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phe- nomenology of the social world. In so doing, the essay addresses the rather narrow scholarly question, If Merleau-Ponty had written a phenomenology of law, what would it have looked like? But this scholarly enterprise, although impeccable in itself, is also transcended by a more complicated concern for a very different sort of question. Namely, if Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological descriptions of the social world are correct-as I believe they...
The following pages attempt to develop the main outlines of an existential phenomenology of law within the context of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phe- nom...
Depuis la vigoureuse monographie que, en 1951, Alphonse de Waelhens consacra, sous le Ie titre de -Vne -Une philosophie philosophie de de l'Ambi l'Ambi guite- guite- a la pensee de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, la reflexion et les etudes sur les divers aspects de eette cette pensee pensee se se multiplierent multiplierent en en Franee France et dans le Ie monde. monde. La mort prematuree du philosophe en 1961, n'a pas diminue l'inMret l'interet qu'avaient suscite ses eerits ecrits et son enseignement. Des notes et des resumes de cours, des manuscrits manuserits inedits pieusement reunis par des...
Depuis la vigoureuse monographie que, en 1951, Alphonse de Waelhens consacra, sous le Ie titre de -Vne -Une philosophie philosophie de de l'Ambi l'Amb...
This work is conceived essentially as a historical study of the origin and development of one of the key concepts in Husserl's philosophy. It is not primarily meant to be an introduction to Husserl's thought, but can serve this purpose because of the nature of this concept. The doctrine of constitution deals with a philosophical problem that is fairly easy to grasp, and yet is central enough in the philosophy of Husserl to provide a con- venient viewpoint from which other concepts and problems can be considered and understood. Husserl's thoughts on the phe- nomenological reduction, on...
This work is conceived essentially as a historical study of the origin and development of one of the key concepts in Husserl's philosophy. It is not p...
In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology," Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomenological philosophy. Unlike his previous works, in the "Crisis" Husserl embedded this formulation in an ambitious reflection on the essence and value of the idea of rational thought and culture, a reflection that he considered to be an urgent necessity in light of the political, social, and intellectual crisis of the interwar period. In this book, James Dodd pursues an interpretation of Husserl's text that emphasizes the importance of the problem...
In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology," Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomeno...