Cortical evoked potentials are of interest primarily as tests of changing neuronal excitabilities accompanying normal brain function. The first three steps in the anal ysis of these complex waveforms are proper placement of electrodes for recording, the proper choice of electrical or sensory stimulus parameters, and the establish ment of behavioral control. The fourth is development of techniques for reliable measurement. Measurement consists of comparison of an unknown entity with a set of standard scales or dimensions having numerical attributes in preassigned degree. A physical object can...
Cortical evoked potentials are of interest primarily as tests of changing neuronal excitabilities accompanying normal brain function. The first three ...
This volume contains the papers from the first British Neural Network Society meeting held at Queen Elizabeth Hall, King's College, London on 18--20 April 1990. The meeting was sponsored by the London Mathemati cal Society. The papers include introductory tutorial lectures, invited, and contributed papers. The invited contributions were given by experts from the United States, Finland, Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom. The majority of the contributed papers came from workers in the United Kingdom. The first day was devoted to tutorials. Professor Stephen Grossberg was a guest speaker...
This volume contains the papers from the first British Neural Network Society meeting held at Queen Elizabeth Hall, King's College, London on 18--20 A...