Cyborg Theatre, now available in paperback, investigates the role of bodies within the expanding field of multimedia performance. This innovative study articulates the first theoretical context for a 'cyborg theatre' that metaphorically integrates on-stage bodies with the technologized, digitized, or mediatized, to radically reimagine subjectivity in our posthuman age. Parker-Starbuck covers a variety of provocative examples, both historical and contemporary, to propose new theoretical tools for understanding performance in our changing world. She offers a compelling feminist-inspired...
Cyborg Theatre, now available in paperback, investigates the role of bodies within the expanding field of multimedia performance. This innovative stud...
Irish theatre and its histories appear to be dominated by men and their actions. This book's socially and culturally contextualized analysis of performance over the last two decades, however reveals masculinities that are anything but hegemonic, played out in theatres and other arenas of performance all over Ireland.
Irish theatre and its histories appear to be dominated by men and their actions. This book's socially and culturally contextualized analysis of perfor...
This volume, now available in paperback, explores what it means to create and experience urban performance - as both an aesthetic and a political practice - in the burgeoning world where cities are built by globalization and neoliberal capital.
This volume, now available in paperback, explores what it means to create and experience urban performance - as both an aesthetic and a political prac...
Staging Black Feminisms explores the development and principles of black British women's plays and performance since the late Twentieth century. Using contemporary performance theory to explore key themes, it offers close textual readings and production analysis of a range of plays, performance poetry and live art works by practitioners.
Staging Black Feminisms explores the development and principles of black British women's plays and performance since the late Twentieth century. Using...
Over the past two decades, theatre practitioners across the West have turned to documentary modes of performance-making to confront new socio-political realities. The essays in this book place this work in context, exploring historical and contemporary examples of documentary and 'verbatim' theatre, and applying a range of critical perspectives.
Over the past two decades, theatre practitioners across the West have turned to documentary modes of performance-making to confront new socio-politica...