Pneumatic conveying is one of the most popular methods of handling bulk powdered and granular materials in mining, chemical and agricultural industries. This 3rd edition of this successful book covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. It is unique in its blending of academic materials and good industrial design techniques. Each topic is covered in depth, with emphasis placed on the latest techniques, hardware systems and design and research methodology. Its comprehensive worked examples and table ensure that the reader need not consult any other reference material. In...
Pneumatic conveying is one of the most popular methods of handling bulk powdered and granular materials in mining, chemical and agricultural indust...
Over half of the products of the chemical and process industries are sold in a particulate form. The range of such products is vast: from agrochemicals to pigments, from detergents to foods, from plastics to pharmaceuticals. However, surveys of the performance of processes designed to produce particulate products have consistently shown inadequate design and poor reliability. Particle technology' is a new subject facing new challenges. Chemical and process engineering is becoming less concerned with the design of plants to produce generic simple chemicals (which are often single phase...
Over half of the products of the chemical and process industries are sold in a particulate form. The range of such products is vast: from agrochemical...
Chemistry of Powder Production focuses on the solid-state chemistry of powder materials and relates this to the structure, properties and preparation, and characterization techniques for these important industrial products. Additionally, the properties of the particles are discussed in relation to their surface structure and characteristics. This book describes the fundamentals of statistical methods for measuring the characteristics of particles. New advanced materials being developed in powder technology manufacturing techniques are also emphasised, including powdered materials for...
Chemistry of Powder Production focuses on the solid-state chemistry of powder materials and relates this to the structure, properties and pre...
Particulate products make up around 80% of chemical products, from all industry sectors. Examples given in this book include the construction materials, fine ceramics and concrete; the delicacies, chocolate and ice cream; pharmaceutical, powders, medical inhalers and sun screen; liquid and powder paints. Size distribution and the shape of the particles provide for different functionalities in these products. Some functions are general, others specific. General functions are powder flow and require - at the typical particulate concentrations of these products - that the particles cause...
Particulate products make up around 80% of chemical products, from all industry sectors. Examples given in this book include the construction mater...
A prestigious form of research grant in Germany is the Sonderforschungsbereich, which provides continuous funding over a period of up to 15 years, but only as long as the work is yielding worthwhile results. We acknowledge financial support of our work at Erlangen by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Sonder- forschungsbereich 222. Thanks to this support, the experimental results from six Dr. -Ing. dissertations have provided the basis for our book: 8 * Schweinzer, J. (1987) Heat transfer in bubbling fluidized beds at Ar;a. 10 * Seiter, M. (1990) Particle motion and solids...
A prestigious form of research grant in Germany is the Sonderforschungsbereich, which provides continuous funding over a period of up to 15 years, but...
This book focuses on the design and operation of fluidized beds in many different industrial processes, emphasizing the rationale for choosing fluidized beds for each particular process.
This book focuses on the design and operation of fluidized beds in many different industrial processes, emphasizing the rationale for choosing fluidiz...
teacher Professor Ernst-Joachim Ivers to whom I still owe many insights 20 years after the end of his working life. This English edition is not an unedited translation of the German edition of 1990. The text has been substantially revised in some chapters, taking into account the literature published in the mean time. I wish to thank Dr.-Ing. H. Finken, Freiberg, who has prepared the translation from German into English with deep scientific understanding and in close contact with the author. I also wish to express my gratitude to Chapman & Hall for their support to this project without which...
teacher Professor Ernst-Joachim Ivers to whom I still owe many insights 20 years after the end of his working life. This English edition is not an une...
The inspiration for translating this classic text came during a sabbatical year spent at the University of Karlsruhe in 1974. Under the leadership of the late Professor Hans Rumpf, the Institut fUr Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Karlsruhe, from the early 1960s onwards, by extensive research and advanced teaching had promoted the discipline of mechanical process technology, a branch of process engineering which had been rather neglected, especially in many chemical engineering depart ments of universities in the English-speaking world. There is a need for texts of this kind, particularly for...
The inspiration for translating this classic text came during a sabbatical year spent at the University of Karlsruhe in 1974. Under the leadership of ...
This book is devoted to the Discrete Element Method (DEM) technique, a discontinuum modelling approach that takes into account the fact that granular materials are composed of discrete particles which interact with each other at the microscale level. This numerical simulation technique can be used both for dispersed systems in which the particle-particle interactions are collisional and compact systems of particles with multiple enduring contacts.
The book provides an extensive and detailed explanation of the theoretical background of DEM. Contact mechanics theories for elastic,...
This book is devoted to the Discrete Element Method (DEM) technique, a discontinuum modelling approach that takes into account the fact that granul...
This edited volume presents most techniques and methods that have been developed by material scientists, chemists, chemical engineers and physicists for the commercial production of particulate materials, ranging from themillimeter to the nanometer scale. The scope includes the physical and chemical background, experimental optimization of equipment and procedures, as well as an outlook on future methods. The books addresses issues of industrial importance such as specifications, control parameter(s), control strategy, process models, energy consumption and discusses the various...
This edited volume presents most techniques and methods that have been developed by material scientists, chemists, chemical engineers and physicist...