Algebraic K-Theory plays an important role in many areas of modern mathematics: most notably algebraic topology, number theory, and algebraic geometry, but even including operator theory. The broad range of these topics has tended to give the subject an aura of inapproachability. This book, based on a course at the University of Maryland in the fall of 1990, is intended to enable graduate students or mathematicians working in other areas not only to learn the basics of algebraic K-Theory, but also to get a feel for its many applications. The required prerequisites are only the standard...
Algebraic K-Theory plays an important role in many areas of modern mathematics: most notably algebraic topology, number theory, and algebraic geometry...
In the last 20 years the study of nonlinear nonequilibrium phenomena in spa tially extended systems, with particular emphasis on pattern-forming phenomena, has been one of the very active areas in physics, exhibiting interesting ramifi cations into other sciences. During this time the study of the "classic" systems, like Rayleigh-Benard convection and Taylor vortex flow in simple fluids, has also been supplemented by the study of more complex systems. Here liquid crystals have played, and are still playing, a major role. One might say that liquid crystals provide just the right amount and...
In the last 20 years the study of nonlinear nonequilibrium phenomena in spa tially extended systems, with particular emphasis on pattern-forming pheno...
Spatio-temporal patterns appear almost everywhere in nature, and their description and understanding still raise important and basic questions. However, if one looks back 20 or 30 years, definite progress has been made in the modeling of insta bilities, analysis of the dynamics in their vicinity, pattern formation and stability, quantitative experimental and numerical analysis of patterns, and so on. Universal behaviors of complex systems close to instabilities have been determined, leading to the wide interdisciplinarity of a field that is now referred to as nonlinear science or science of...
Spatio-temporal patterns appear almost everywhere in nature, and their description and understanding still raise important and basic questions. Howeve...
Survival analysis arises in many fields of study including medicine, biology, engineering, public health, epidemiology, and economics. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of Bayesian survival analysis. Several topics are addressed, including parametric models, semiparametric models based on prior processes, proportional and non-proportional hazards models, frailty models, cure rate models, model selection and comparison, joint models for longitudinal and survival data, models with time varying covariates, missing covariate data, design and monitoring of clinical trials, accelerated...
Survival analysis arises in many fields of study including medicine, biology, engineering, public health, epidemiology, and economics. This book provi...
This introductory text develops the fundamental physics of the behavior of granular materials. It covers the basic properties of flow, friction, and fluidization of uniform granular materials; discusses mixing and segregation of heterogeneous materials (the famous "brazil-nut problem"); and concludes with an introduction to numerical models. The presentation begins with simple experiments and uses their results to build concepts and theorems about materials whose behavior is often quite counter-intuitive; presenting in a unified way the background needed to understand current work in the...
This introductory text develops the fundamental physics of the behavior of granular materials. It covers the basic properties of flow, friction, and f...
Objects that differ from their mirror images, such as the left and right hands, play an important role in physics at all lengths scales, from elementary particles to macroscopic systems. The handedness, or chirality, of molecules in liquid crystals has a remarkable influence on the macroscopic physical properties of these systems, including the appearance of new phases. Indeed, the majority of optical applications of liquid crystals is due to chiral structures, namely the thermochromic effect of cholesteric liquid crystals, the optical activity in twisted nematic liquid crystal displays, and...
Objects that differ from their mirror images, such as the left and right hands, play an important role in physics at all lengths scales, from elementa...
The usefulness of the book to the reader is exposure to many different classes of materials and relaxation phenomena. They are tied together by the universal relaxation and diffusion properties they share, and a consistent explanation of their origin. The readers can apply what they learn to solve their own problems and use it as a stepping-stone to make further advances in theoretical understanding of the origin of the universality.
The usefulness of the book to the reader is exposure to many different classes of materials and relaxation phenomena. They are tied together by the...
The past few years have witnessed dramatic advances in computational methods for Bayesian inference. As a result, Bayesian approaches to solving a wide variety of problems in data analysis and decision-making have become feasible, and there is currently a growth spurt in the application of Bayesian methods. The purpose of this volume is to present several detailed examples of applications of Bayesian thinking, with an emphasis on the scientific or technological context of the problem being solved. The papers collected here were presented and discussed at a Workshop held at Carnegie-Mellon...
The past few years have witnessed dramatic advances in computational methods for Bayesian inference. As a result, Bayesian approaches to solving a wid...
Electrooptic effects provide the basis for much liquid-crystal display technology. This book, by two of the leaders in liquid-crystal research in Russia, presents a complete and accessible treatment of virtually all known phenomena occurring in liquid crystals under the influence of electric fields.
Electrooptic effects provide the basis for much liquid-crystal display technology. This book, by two of the leaders in liquid-crystal research in Russ...
Intended for researchers and students in physics, chemistry and materials science, this work aims to provide the necessary background information and sufficient mathematical and physical detail to study research literature in nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid crystals. This second edition, updated throughout, incorporates many new references, corrects typographical errors, and includes new mathematical appendices.
Intended for researchers and students in physics, chemistry and materials science, this work aims to provide the necessary background information and ...