This unique book, written in a question and answer style, brings to life the work of the world’s foremost Marxian economist Thomas T. Sekine on the scientificity of Marx’s project inCapital, its applicability to navigating world-historic change across capitalist stages of development and what Marxian economics teaches us about building viable future historical societies. Sekine, a student and follower of Marxist Kozo Uno, argues that capitalism neither constitutes the end of history nor does its overthrow await socialist revolution. Rather, based upon its own historical delimitations...
This unique book, written in a question and answer style, brings to life the work of the world’s foremost Marxian economist Thomas T. Sekine on the ...
This book analyzes the recent development paths pursued by progressivegovernments in Argentina and Brazil, namely deindustrialization andreprimarization, and the social and environmental consequences thereof. A keypart of understanding the trajectories in both Argentina and Brazil has been therole played by international institutions, especially the IMF and WTO, and also,the ever-growing hegemony of transnational corporations in the global economyand as a result, significantly limiting the possibilities of genuine development forlocal populations.Two major issues which extend beyond Latin...
This book analyzes the recent development paths pursued by progressivegovernments in Argentina and Brazil, namely deindustrialization andreprimarizati...
This book chronicles the way Keynes’s generous philosophy of practice evolved in consonance with the needs of his epoch. From a youngster reflecting on ethics and the classics, to becoming a leading voice in both wars in terms of political philosophy and international relations, to playing the role of innovator in both probability and economics, to taking a stance as an art appreciator, Keynes’s life and multidisciplinary contributions to humankind were permeated by his philosophical milieu. However, only a flexible, dynamic, and broad philosophy could have reflected and led the economic...
This book chronicles the way Keynes’s generous philosophy of practice evolved in consonance with the needs of his epoch. From a youngster reflecting...