With the development of potent x-ray sources at many synchrotron laboratories worldwide, Compton scattering has become a standard tool for studying electron densities in materials. This book provides condensed matter and materials physicists with an authoritative, up-to-date, and very accessible account of the Compton scattering method, leading to a fundamental understanding of the electrical and magnetic properties of solid materials. The spectrum of Compton scattered x-rays is particularly sensitive to this behavior and thus can be used as a direct probe and to test the predictions of...
With the development of potent x-ray sources at many synchrotron laboratories worldwide, Compton scattering has become a standard tool for studying el...
Synchrotron radiation sources are now used routinely by thousands of research scientists and engineers throughout the world to perform experiments in biology, physics, materials science, chemistry and so on. The very best of these sources are based upon the use of undulator and wiggler insertion devices that can enhance the intensity of the radiation by many orders of magnitude. This book, which is part of the Oxford Series on Synchrotron Radiation, brings together both a detailed step by step description of the radiation properties from these devices as well as an explanation of the...
Synchrotron radiation sources are now used routinely by thousands of research scientists and engineers throughout the world to perform experiments in ...
Magnetic materials are currently the focus of a great deal of research activity. Their properties pose great intellectual challenges to physicists and chemists, and the increase of activity in this field is likely to continue with the arrival of third generation facilities such as the European Synchotron Radiation Facility and Advanced Light Source. This is the first book devoted to the use of x-ray beam techniques to study magnetic properties of materials, serving as an ideal reference source. It covers both experimental and theoretical issues in topics such as dichroism, elastic scattering,...
Magnetic materials are currently the focus of a great deal of research activity. Their properties pose great intellectual challenges to physicists and...
Offers a comprehensive review of experimental methods, theory, and successful applications of synchrotron radiation based inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) spectroscopy. This book enables the investigation of electron dynamics in condensed matter (correlate
Offers a comprehensive review of experimental methods, theory, and successful applications of synchrotron radiation based inelastic X-ray scattering (...
Recent technological advances in synchrotron and neutron sources, detectors, and computer hardware and software have made possible diffraction techniques which collect data at successive moments in time. This is the first book to bring together reviews and research articles covering the three branches of time-resolved diffraction--X-ray, electron, and neutron field. Time-Resolved Diffraction covers gases, liquids, amorphous solids, fibers, and crystals and does so in a multidisciplinary framework which includes examples from molecular biology and chemistry, as well as techniques from physics...
Recent technological advances in synchrotron and neutron sources, detectors, and computer hardware and software have made possible diffraction techniq...