Infection in general practice provides a unique insight into the role of infection in General Practice, seen from the combined perpectives o f General Practioners, an Infectious Disease Physician, and a Medical Microbiologist. It provides detailed information on the wide variety o f infections seen by GPs, ranging from the common cold, through to men ingitis, Legionnaire's disease, and AIDS. Included are case histories which reflect common practice both in primary care, and within the hos pital setting, and guidelines for the management of infections. Throug hout the book, the authors...
Infection in general practice provides a unique insight into the role of infection in General Practice, seen from the combined perpectives o f General...
The editors have bridged the gap between scientific rigour and accessi bility to produce a book which helps members of the primary health car e team to fulfil their obligation to identify people with cardiovascul ar risk factors among their patients and set up clinics to help reduce that risk. After chapters on how to recognize the risk factors they a re given practical methods of risk reduction and guidelines for implem entation in practice.
The editors have bridged the gap between scientific rigour and accessi bility to produce a book which helps members of the primary health car e team t...
Peer review is especially effective in inducing change and improvement in practice in the long term as it is relevant, locally based, simple and educational. The original Dutch book from which this book was developed was extremely popular and very well reviewed. The ideas presented in this new book are mainstream and challenging and will help to extend the audit debate as well as to further progress in continuing medical education.
Peer review is especially effective in inducing change and improvement in practice in the long term as it is relevant, locally based, simple and educa...
This important book makes the case for placing maternity care in the c ommunity. It has been written by a multidisciplinary group. The first section considers the role and function of the participants in communi ty-based maternity care; the woman, the midwife, and the GP. The secon d section discusses four major contemporary issues: the radically chan ging social background, the economics of care, audit, and education of the carers. Next the major clinical challenges in maternity care are tackled: how to reduce the differences in morbidity and mortality whic h are associated with differences...
This important book makes the case for placing maternity care in the c ommunity. It has been written by a multidisciplinary group. The first section c...
Primary Care for Older People is a contemporary reference work on heal th problems in later life written by primary care professionals for pr imary care professionals. It is aimed at all those who are trying to c ombine care of individuals with an understanding of the needs of the w hole community.
Primary Care for Older People is a contemporary reference work on heal th problems in later life written by primary care professionals for pr imary ca...