Semiconductor Quantum Well Intermixing is an international collection of research results dealing with several aspects of the diffused quantum well (DFQW), ranging from Physics to materials and device applications. The material covered is the basic interdiffusion mechanisms of both cation and anion groups as well as the properties of band structure modifiations. Its comprehensive coverage of growth and pos-growth processing technologies along with its presentation of the various interesting and advanced features of the DFQW materials make this book an essential reference to the study of QW...
Semiconductor Quantum Well Intermixing is an international collection of research results dealing with several aspects of the diffused quantum well (D...
This volume lays down the foundations of a theory of rings based on finite maps. The purpose of the ring is entirely discussed in terms of the global properties of the one-turn map. Proposing a theory of rings based on such maps, this work offers another perspective on storage ring theory.
This volume lays down the foundations of a theory of rings based on finite maps. The purpose of the ring is entirely discussed in terms of the global ...