1.1 Freight Transshipment We observe an ongoing trend towards globalized industrial produc tion. Multinational companies aim at strategic competitive advantages by distributing their activities around the globe. As a result, the in dividual supply chains become longer and more complex. Next to the supply chain reliability, companies try to keep supply chains cost effi cient and responsive, i.e. warrant short order fulfillment lead times (Siirie and Wagner, 2005). The above goals dictate low inventory levels at the stages of a supply chain as well as a high frequency of transports between the...
1.1 Freight Transshipment We observe an ongoing trend towards globalized industrial produc tion. Multinational companies aim at strategic competitive ...
Saul Gass has been a leading contributor to the field of Operations Research for more than 50 years. He has been affiliated with the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland for more than 30 years. On February 25, 2006, "Operations Research in the 21st Century: A Symposium in Honor of Professor Saul Gass' 80th Birthday," was held on our campus. Opening remarks by Deans Howard Prank and Rudy Lamone were followed by talks by Alfred Blumstein, Karla Hoffman, Richard Larson, Christoph Witzgall, Thomas Magnanti, Rakesh Vohra, and Bruce Golden. The celebration continued into...
Saul Gass has been a leading contributor to the field of Operations Research for more than 50 years. He has been affiliated with the Robert H. Smith S...
DYNAMIC FLEET MANAGEMENT will focus on real time management of a distribution system. This means that when a dynamic event occurs within the distribution chain, action must be taken in "real-time." The book will integrate the latest results in system design, algorithm development and system implementation, to capture the state-of-the art research and application trends. While much of the research in this area of transportation problems have almost exclusively concentrated on carrying out static plans on optional distribution conditions, this book will examine those problems when some...
DYNAMIC FLEET MANAGEMENT will focus on real time management of a distribution system. This means that when a dynamic event occurs within the distri...
Metaheuristics has grown and continues to grow steadily. Seen both from the technical point of view and from the application-oriented side, these optimization tools have established their value in a remarkable story of success. Researchers have demonstrated the ability of these methods to solve hard combinatorial problems of practical sizes within reasonable computational time.
Highlighted in METAHEURISTICS: Progress in Complex Systems Optimization are the recent developments made in the area of Simulated Annealing, Path Relinking, Scatter Search, Tabu Search, Variable...
Metaheuristics has grown and continues to grow steadily. Seen both from the technical point of view and from the application-oriented side, these o...
In the past 30 years, commercial transport traffic has more than doubled in both Europe and North America. Asian commercial transport traffic over this period of time has likely increased even more. Traffic jams are routine and they can happen in any segment of the highway system at any time. Moreover, manufacturing companies increasingly apply just-in-time practices in order to cut down inventory costs. As any mismatch between supply and demand can result into significant disturbances of manufacturing processes, just-in-time practices necessitate punctual, reliable, and flexible...
In the past 30 years, commercial transport traffic has more than doubled in both Europe and North America. Asian commercial transport traffic over ...
Theoretical research and practical applications in the ?eld of vehicle routing started in 1959 with the truck dispatching problem posed by Dantzig and Ramser 1]: ?nd the . . . optimum routing of a ?eet of gasoline delivery trucks between a bulk terminal and a large number of service stations supplied by the terminal. Using a method based on a linear programming formulation, their hand calculations produced a near-optimal solution with four routes to aproblemwithtwelve service stations. The authorsproclaimed: Nopractical applications of the method have been made as yet. In the nearly 50 years...
Theoretical research and practical applications in the ?eld of vehicle routing started in 1959 with the truck dispatching problem posed by Dantzig and...
Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology Examines the newer and emerging models of telecommunications technology that play instrumental roles in providing international economic and societal interconnectivity. Advancing technology in the field imposes the need to develop new models to solve complex planning and decision making problems. The global, national, and local societal impact of the technology necessitates careful analysis of telecommunications policy at all of these levels. The book explores natural output of the new technical developments and applications with...
Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology Examines the newer and emerging models of telecommunications technology that play instrumental ...