What matters in life is an individual’s response to reality...
Beyond Oblivion follows Donna as she unwittingly becomes a whistleblower. As a result, she discovers the mystery behind her friend Carrie’s life and how this secret places her friend at the center of a global conspiracy.
Donna should just be wrapping up her graduate degree at the university, yet due to a series of events she fails to foresee, her degree is threatened, and several former allies begin to turn against her. Before she knows it, she stumbles upon an illicit act that must be called to public...
What matters in life is an individual’s response to reality...
Beyond Oblivion follows Donna as she unwittingly becomes a whistleblower...
This coming of age story describes the adventures of Tobias Jones, an illustrious, inquisitive young man from the Southwest. Surrounded by tragedy, Tobias develops his own code on life and learns to keep his questions to himself. Having emerged with a few answers, he carefully guards his solutions until he finds those willing to join his intrepid search for an understanding of the big picture.
Along his sojourn, he meets Carrie and Donna at a university in Dallas. A campus crisis compels Tobias to confide in Carrie and he addresses the international factors to his dilemma,...
This coming of age story describes the adventures of Tobias Jones, an illustrious, inquisitive young man from the Southwest. Surrounded by tragedy,...