The research work of the collaborative research center SFB401 Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction at Airplane Wings at the Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, which is reported in this book, was pos sible due to the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The proposal has been approved after evaluation by the referees of DFG selected from other universities and industry, which is gratefully acknowledged. The work is still in progress and now approved to continue until the end of year 2005. More than 50 scientists from universities of...
The research work of the collaborative research center SFB401 Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction at Airplane Wings at the Rheinisch-Westf...
This volume contains a collection of papers from the research program "Protective Artificial Respiration (PAR)." In 2005 the German Research Association DFG launched the research program PAR which is a joint initiative of medicine and fluid mechanics. The main long-term objective of this program is the development of a more protective artificial respiratory system to reduce the physical stress of patients undergoing artificial respiration. To satisfy this goal 11 projects have been defined. In each of these projects scientists from medicine and fluid mechanics do collaborate in several...
This volume contains a collection of papers from the research program "Protective Artificial Respiration (PAR)." In 2005 the German Research Associ...
The present book contains contributions presented at the Fourth Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, held in Beijing, China, 28-30 September 2011, being a continuation of symposia taking place in Stockholm (Sweden, 2005), in Corfu (Greece, 2007), and Gdansk (Poland, 2009). The contributions to the last two symposia were published as NNFM, Vol. 97 and Vol. 111. At the Beijing symposium, along with seven invited keynotes, another 46 papers (plus 5 posters) were presented addressing topics on Novel turbulence-resolving simulation and modelling, Improved hybrid RANS-LES methods,...
The present book contains contributions presented at the Fourth Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, held in Beijing, China, 28-30 September 2011,...
th This volume contains the papers presented at the 16 DGLR/STAB-Symposium held at the Eurogress Aachen and organized by RWTH Aachen University, Germany, November, 3 - 4, 2008. STAB is the German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association, founded towards the end of the 1970's, whereas DGLR is the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal Oberth e.V.). The mission of STAB is to foster development and acceptance of the discipline Aerodynamics in Germany. One of its general guidelines is to concentrate resources and know-how in the...
th This volume contains the papers presented at the 16 DGLR/STAB-Symposium held at the Eurogress Aachen and organized by RWTH Aachen University, Germa...
This book presents a snapshot of the state-of-art in the field of turbulence modeling, with an emphasis on numerical methods. Topics include direct numerical simulations, large eddy simulations, compressible turbulence, coherent structures, two-phase flow simulation and many more. It includes both theoretical contributions and experimental works, as well as chapters derived from keynote lectures, presented at the fourth Turbulence and Interactions Conference (TI 2015), which was held on June 11-14 in Cargèse, Corsica, France. This multifaceted collection, which reflects the conference´s...
This book presents a snapshot of the state-of-art in the field of turbulence modeling, with an emphasis on numerical methods. Topics include direct nu...
This book gathers contributions to the 21st biannual symposium of the German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association (STAB) and the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (DGLR). The individual chapters reflect ongoing research conducted by the STAB members in the field of numerical and experimental fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, mainly for (but not limited to) aerospace applications, and cover both nationally and EC-funded projects. Special emphasis is given to collaborative research projects conducted by German scientists and engineers from universities,...
This book gathers contributions to the 21st biannual symposium of the German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association (STAB) and the German So...
This book reports on the latest numerical and experimental findings in the field of high-lift technologies. It covers interdisciplinary research subjects relating to scientific computing, aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, material sciences, aircraft structures, and flight mechanics. The respective chapters are based on papers presented at the Final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 880, which was held on December 17-18, 2019 in Braunschweig, Germany. The conference and the research presented here were partly supported by the CRC 880 on “Fundamentals of High Lift for...
This book reports on the latest numerical and experimental findings in the field of high-lift technologies. It covers interdisciplinary rese...
The book reports on the latest theoretical and experimental findings in the field of active flow and combustion control, in the context of energy conversion for power and propulsion systems. It covers new developments in actuator technology and sensing, robust and optimal open- and closed-loop control, model reduction for control purposes, and unsteady turbine cooling and performance, among other relevant topics. Gathering contributions to the Active Flow and Combustion Control (AFCC 2021), held virtually on September 28-29, 2021, from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany,...
The book reports on the latest theoretical and experimental findings in the field of active flow and combustion control, in the context of energy c...
This book offers timely insights into research on numerical and experimental fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, mainly for (but not limited to) aerospace applications. It reports on findings by members of the STAB (German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association) and DGLR (German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics) and covers both nationally and EC-funded projects. Continuing on the tradition of the previous volumes, the book highlights innovative solutions, promoting translation from fundamental research to industrial applications. It addresses academics and professionals in the field of...
This book offers timely insights into research on numerical and experimental fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, mainly for (but not limited to) aero...
This book offers detailed insights into new methods for high-fidelity CFD, and their industrially relevant applications in aeronautics. It reports on the H2020 TILDA project, funded by the European Union in 2015-2018. The respective chapters demonstrate the potential of high-order methods for enabling more accurate predictions of non-linear, unsteady flows, ensuring enhanced reliability in CFD predictions.
The book highlights industrially relevant findings and representative test cases on the development of high-order methods for unsteady turbulence simulations on...
This book offers detailed insights into new methods for high-fidelity CFD, and their industrially relevant applications in aeronautics. It reports ...