Whether they're graveside tourists in Rome or lovelorn girls on a bus, the characters in Dawn Potter's ravishing second collection of poetry, "betray a fatal longing" for love's complications. By turns comic and melancholy, hungry and euphoric, these poems surrender again and again to the passions and panics of experience.
Whether they're graveside tourists in Rome or lovelorn girls on a bus, the characters in Dawn Potter's ravishing second collection of poetry, "betray ...
In his poem, "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," William Blake hypothesized that "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." Of course, Blake's "doors of perception" are both hard to clean and even harder to keep clean. For John Ruskin, the famous 19th century art and social critic, seeing demanded a scientist's respect for fact, but also a love for what was being seen. These poems ask us to attend, with devotion and care, to a world which will always remain a mystery, but a mystery in which love calls us to the things of this world where we...
In his poem, "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," William Blake hypothesized that "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to m...
In this posthumous collection, attention is paid to the present moment. Wiler examines, with humor, compassion and fearlessness, the pleasures in life--especially the varieties of love--from friendship to sex--and how we are capable of ruining those pleasures for ourselves or for others. Jack helps us understand that life and death are each, in its own way, gifts we must live with relish, abandon and commitment.
In this posthumous collection, attention is paid to the present moment. Wiler examines, with humor, compassion and fearlessness, the pleasures in life...
A twenty-three part poetic sequence; a working-class mother speaks passionately of the more than four decades of personal history that binds her with her emotionally-troubled and estranged son
A twenty-three part poetic sequence; a working-class mother speaks passionately of the more than four decades of personal history that binds her with ...
The author's romanticizing and grieving for her lost parents and America extends from the Prohibition era, its glamour and notoriety, with figures like Warren Harding and Josephine Baker to Enron, urban decay, and illegal immigration.
The author's romanticizing and grieving for her lost parents and America extends from the Prohibition era, its glamour and notoriety, with figures lik...
This powerful collection of poetry features a chain-smoking, working-class Italian American woman struggling to support herself and find meaningful work in a depressed mill town. She endures the indignity of a low-paid job that she can't afford to leave. The poems follow her tumultuous relationship with her father, a retired mill worker, her love for her educated uncle dying of cancer, and her escape from this soiled life through her ritual of doing laundry.
This powerful collection of poetry features a chain-smoking, working-class Italian American woman struggling to support herself and find meaningful wo...