Invexity and Optimization presents results on invex function and their properties in smooth and nonsmooth cases, pseudolinearity and eta-pseudolinearity that have been developed in the last several years.
Invexity and Optimization presents results on invex function and their properties in smooth and nonsmooth cases, pseudolinearity and eta-pseudolineari...
Robust design--that is, managing design uncertainties such as model uncertainty or parametric uncertainty--is the often unpleasant issue crucial in much multidisciplinary optimal design work. Recently, there has been enormous practical interest in strategies for applying optimization tools to the development of robust solutions and designs in several areas, including aerodynamics, the integration of sensing (e.g., laser radars, vision-based systems, and millimeter-wave radars) and control, cooperative control with poorly modeled uncertainty, cascading failures in military and civilian...
Robust design--that is, managing design uncertainties such as model uncertainty or parametric uncertainty--is the often unpleasant issue crucial in...