Significant research activities have taken place in the areas of local and global optimization in the last two decades. Many new theoretical, computational, algorithmic, and software contributions have resulted. It has been realized that despite these numerous contributions, there does not exist a systematic forum for thorough experimental computational testing and- evaluation of the proposed optimization algorithms and their implementations. Well-designed nonconvex optimization test problems are of major impor- tance for academic and industrial researchers interested in algorithmic and...
Significant research activities have taken place in the areas of local and global optimization in the last two decades. Many new theoretical, computat...
Hemivariational inequalities represent an important class of problems in nonsmooth and nonconvex mechanics. By means of them, problems with nonmonotone, possibly multivalued, constitutive laws can be formulated, mathematically analyzed and finally numerically solved. The present book gives a rigorous analysis of finite element approximation for a class of hemivariational inequalities of elliptic and parabolic type. Finite element models are described and their convergence properties are established. Discretized models are numerically treated as nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problems....
Hemivariational inequalities represent an important class of problems in nonsmooth and nonconvex mechanics. By means of them, problems with nonmonoton...
The vast majority of important applications in science, engineering and applied science are characterized by the existence of multiple minima and maxima, as well as first, second and higher order saddle points. The area of Deterministic Global Optimization introduces theoretical, algorithmic and computational ad- vances that (i) address the computation and characterization of global minima and maxima, (ii) determine valid lower and upper bounds on the global minima and maxima, and (iii) address the enclosure of all solutions of nonlinear con- strained systems of equations. Global optimization...
The vast majority of important applications in science, engineering and applied science are characterized by the existence of multiple minima and maxi...
Motivated by practical problems in engineering and physics, drawing on a wide range of applied mathematical disciplines, this book is the first to provide, within a unified framework, a self-contained comprehensive mathematical theory of duality for general non-convex, non-smooth systems, with emphasis on methods and applications in engineering mechanics. Topics covered include the classical (minimax) mono-duality of convex static equilibria, the beautiful bi-duality in dynamical systems, the interesting tri-duality in non-convex problems and the complicated multi-duality in general canonical...
Motivated by practical problems in engineering and physics, drawing on a wide range of applied mathematical disciplines, this book is the first to pro...
Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology: Local and Global Approaches covers recent developments in optimization techniques for addressing several computational chemistry and biology problems. A tantalizing problem that cuts across the fields of computational chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering and applied mathematics is how proteins fold. Global and local optimization provide a systematic framework of conformational searches for the prediction of three-dimensional protein structures that represent the global minimum free energy, as well as...
Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology: Local and Global Approaches covers recent developments in optimizati...
Complementarity theory is a new domain in applied mathematics and is concerned with the study of complementarity problems. These problems represent a wide class of mathematical models related to optimization, game theory, economic engineering, mechanics, fluid mechanics, stochastic optimal control etc. The book is dedicated to the study of nonlinear complementarity problems by topological methods. Audience: Mathematicians, engineers, economists, specialists working in operations research and anybody interested in applied mathematics or in mathematical modeling.
Complementarity theory is a new domain in applied mathematics and is concerned with the study of complementarity problems. These problems represent a ...
There has been much recent progress in approximation algorithms for nonconvex continuous and discrete problems from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. In discrete (or combinatorial) optimization many approaches have been developed recently that link the discrete universe to the continuous universe through geomet- ric, analytic, and algebraic techniques. Such techniques include global optimization formulations, semidefinite programming, and spectral theory. As a result new ap- proximate algorithms have been discovered and many new computational approaches have been developed....
There has been much recent progress in approximation algorithms for nonconvex continuous and discrete problems from both a theoretical and a practical...
Special tools are required for examining and solving optimization problems. The main tools in the study of local optimization are classical calculus and its modern generalizions which form nonsmooth analysis. The gradient and various kinds of generalized derivatives allow us to ac- complish a local approximation of a given function in a neighbourhood of a given point. This kind of approximation is very useful in the study of local extrema. However, local approximation alone cannot help to solve many problems of global optimization, so there is a clear need to develop special global tools for...
Special tools are required for examining and solving optimization problems. The main tools in the study of local optimization are classical calculus a...
People are facing more and more NP-complete or NP-hard problems of a combinatorial nature and of a continuous nature in economic, military and management practice. There are two ways in which one can enhance the efficiency of searching for the solutions of these problems. The first is to improve the speed and memory capacity of hardware. We all have witnessed the computer industry's amazing achievements with hardware and software developments over the last twenty years. On one hand many computers, bought only a few years ago, are being sent to elementary schools for children to learn the...
People are facing more and more NP-complete or NP-hard problems of a combinatorial nature and of a continuous nature in economic, military and managem...