Opportunity knocks in this adventurous Pilgrimage sequel, as Ross Martin and his throng of believers are transported from Earth into the boundlessly mysterious and unexplored blackness of deep space. Only with the assistance of a superior alien species, is the colony able to locate a new world. Perilous conditions impede their progress and jeopardize the hopeful survival of the human race, but armed with determination the population wages a battle to persevere. In spite of the limited life sustaining natural resources and encounters with a wide...
A Sci-Fi Adventure For Our Future...
Opportunity knocks in this adventurous Pilgrimage sequel, as Ross Martin and his throng of believer...
Can the world they left behind provide the answers they need to survive?
Assisted by a mentoring alien species, Ross has led a band of recruits on a return to Earth in quest of restoring the dying human gene pool before extinction becomes inevitable. Twenty-six hundred years have elapsed on Earth since the asteroid apocalypse necessitated the Pilgrimage to escape Earth, but Ross and his group have aged only eight years during that span. What mysteries of new Earth does the distant future hold for them, and will their assistance be welcomed?
Can the world they left behind provide the answers they need to survive?
Assisted by a mentoring alien species, Ross has led a...