How has Hanna Segal influenced psychoanalysis today?
Jean-Michel Quinodoz provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of Segal's life, her clinical and theoretical work, and her contribution to psychoanalysis over the past sixty years by combining actual biographical and conceptual interviews with Hanna Segal herself or with colleagues who have listened to Segal in various contexts.
Listening to Hanna Segal explores both Segal's personal and professional histories, and the interaction between the two. The book...
Winner of the 2010 Sigourney Award
How has Hanna Segal influenced psychoanalysis today?
Initiating Psychoanalysis presents an international collection of papers brought together by the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis of the European Psychoanalytic Federation and addresses the specific clinical and technical issues involved in launching the processes that are at the core of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic treatment.
Expert contributors provide introductions and commentaries on a selection of psychoanalytic papers, including one by Freud himself, which refer to beginning psychoanalytic treatment in a wide range of settings. Divided into four main...
Initiating Psychoanalysis presents an international collection of papers brought together by the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysi...