An essential resource for any believer, The New Answers Book provides a ready defense against the attacks of evolutionary thought. An impressive list of reputable creation scientists join author Ken Ham to answer these questions scientifically, biblically, and logically. Contributors include, Bodie Hodge, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Andy McIntosh, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Mike Oard, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Mike Riddle, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Paul Taylor, Dr. Monty White, Dr. Clifford Wilson, and Dr. Bryant Wood. Christians of all ages face challenges to their faith from...
An essential resource for any believer, The New Answers Book provides a ready defense against the attacks of evolutionary thought. An impressive list ...
What happens when you have more "hot" questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume The New Answers Book 2 explores over 30 exciting and faith-affirming topics, including: *The fall of Lucifer and the origin of evil *When does life begin (and why does it matter)? *Is evolution a religion (and why should I care)? *Archaeology, Egyptian Chronology, and the great flood *Could early biblical figures like Noah really live to over 900 years of age? *What was the Star of Bethlehem (and how did the wise men follow it)? *The "Evolutionization" of...
What happens when you have more "hot" questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume The New Answ...
Learn how to be more effective in defense of scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history. Join Ken Ham and leading creation scientists like Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Steve Austin, Dr. David DeWitt, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Joe Francis, and others as they provide simple and empowering answers to these and other popular questions of faith in our culture today.
Other exciting books available in this best-selling series: The New Answers Book 1, and The New Answers Book 2,...
Learn how to be more effective in defense of scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history. Join Ken Ham and leading creation scien...
What about climate change? Is there a connection between dragon ledgends and dinosaurs? What about cavemen? What are the 10 best evidences for a young creation? The Answers series has been a powerful tool in equipping believers to share and defend their faith. Now the newest book in this landmark series takes on hot button toppics like climate change, ancient man, and many more. Too many people have walked away from their faith because they sought answers for what seemed a contradiction in Christian belief and scientific teaching. For those who desire a deeper walk and a thriving faith in the...
What about climate change? Is there a connection between dragon ledgends and dinosaurs? What about cavemen? What are the 10 best evidences for a young...