Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world's greatest ninja As the five leaders of the strongest villages in the ninja world meet to discuss the fate of their universe, plans are made that will affect Naruto deeply. The new Hokage, leader of Naruto's village, is not afraid to make the final move against Naruto's old pal, Sasuke Plus, Naruto's worst nightmare seems inevitable as the war he's...
Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a w...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a ninja-in-training whose wild antics amuse his teammates. But he's completely serious about one thing: becoming the world's greatest ninja Naruto realizes he must eventually battle Sasuke one-on-one, but with Sasuke and his dark allies bent on complete destruction and political intrigue in the villages, will the powerful Allied Shinobi Forces allow the two "friends" to meet in battle? Plus, an important figure from Naruto's past shows up during the struggle to relate the history of his family and village,...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a ninja-in-training whose wild antics amuse his teammates. But he's completely...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a ninja-in-training whose wild antics amuse his teammates. But he's completely serious about one thing: becoming the world's greatest ninja On Turtle Island, Naruto and the Allied Shinobi Forces prepare to attack Kabuto and Madara. But they are met by Kabuto's hordes of reanimated ninja soldiers, and in the heat of battle, Naruto and his allied friends realize they are coming face-to-face with old friends brought back from the dead
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a ninja-in-training whose wild antics amuse his teammates. But he's completely...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world's greatest ninja As Madara uses his dominating power to fend off the Five Kage, Sasuke is reunited with his brother Itachi. The pair will have to join forces if they hope to confront Kabuto face-to-face. But with the defeat of Kabuto comes the time for the Edotensei warriors to return to the afterlife--Itachi along with them--leaving Sasuke to cope with losing...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world's greatest ninja Kabuto's hold over his army of undead minions tightens, and Itachi has the best chance of breaking Kabuto's hold--but without complete control of his actions. As powerful as they are, Naruto and his friends, including all five village Kage, can't seem to gain ground over Kabuto. And now the biggest surprise resurrection of all leaves them...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world's greatest ninja When the masked man is revealed to be Obito, Kakashi's resolve wavers, and it falls to Naruto to inspire his old master to continue the fight. As the battle rages on, Naruto then must summon all of his Nine Tails power in order to stand against the devastating team of Obito and Madara. But the Allied Shinobi Forces might be in for a much-needed...
The epic ninja adventure that became a global phenomenon Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense...