This book deals with a new class of materials, quantum rings. Innovative recent advances in experimental and theoretical physics of quantum rings are based on the most advanced state-of-the-art fabrication and characterization techniques as well as theoretical methods. The experimental efforts allow to obtain a new class of semiconductor quantum rings formed by capping self-organized quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Novel optical and magnetic properties of quantum rings are associated with non-trivial topologies at the nanoscale. An adequate characterization of quantum rings is...
This book deals with a new class of materials, quantum rings. Innovative recent advances in experimental and theoretical physics of quantum rings are ...
Traces the quest to use nanostructured media for novel and improved optoelectronic devices. Leading experts - among them Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov - write here about the fundamental concepts behind nano-optoelectronics, the material basis, physical phenomena, device physics and systems.
Traces the quest to use nanostructured media for novel and improved optoelectronic devices. Leading experts - among them Nobel laureate Zhores Alfe...
Experts describe advanced techniques for the chemical synthesis of functional organic nanoparticles and propose new methods for the characterization and manipulation of single nanoparticles. Theoretical and experimental studies of the physical and chemical properties of organic particles, semiconductor particles and liquid droplets are reported. The text gives not only scientific details but also general and historical background, applications, and future perspectives. Lucid explanations of technical terms and concepts are included where necessary.
Experts describe advanced techniques for the chemical synthesis of functional organic nanoparticles and propose new methods for the characterization a...
This book gives an overview of nanostructures and nanomaterials applied in the fields of energy and organic electronics. It combines the knowledge from advanced deposition and processing methods of nanomaterials such as laser-based growth and nanopatterning and state-of-the-art characterization techniques with special emphasis on the optical, electrical, morphological, surface and mechanical properties. Furthermore it contains theoretical and experimental aspects for different types of nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, nanotubes and thin films for organic electronics applications. The...
This book gives an overview of nanostructures and nanomaterials applied in the fields of energy and organic electronics. It combines the knowledge fro...
This book presents the achievements in bionanoelectronics in a coherent manner. It deals with nanodevices applied to biostructures, molecular motors, molecular pumps, molecular nanoactuators and electronic biodevices, including nanodevices for sensing and imaging biomolcules. The book describes bionanoelectronics, detection of biomolecules and targets various biological applications such as detection and sequencing of DNA and early detection of various deseases and nanomedicine. Further important topics of the book are biomimetics and bioinspired electronics.The book also deals with...
This book presents the achievements in bionanoelectronics in a coherent manner. It deals with nanodevices applied to biostructures, molecular motors, ...
Gasphase synthesis of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials offers high chemical purity and crystalline quality as well as scalability up to industrial quantities. It is therefore highly attractive for both basic and applied science. This book gives a broad and coherent overview of the complete production and value chain from nanoparticle formation to integration into products and devices. Written by experts in the field - with backgrounds in electrical engineering, experimental and theoretical physics, materials science, and chemical engineering - the book offers a deep insight into the...
Gasphase synthesis of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials offers high chemical purity and crystalline quality as well as scalability up to indu...
This book reflects the current status of theoretical and experimental research of graphene based nanostructures, in particular quantum dots, at a level accessible to young researchers, graduate students, experimentalists and theorists. It presents the current state of research of graphene quantum dots, a single or few monolayer thick islands of graphene. It introduces the reader to the electronic and optical properties of graphite, intercalated graphite and graphene, including Dirac fermions, Berry's phase associated with sublattices and valley degeneracy, covers single particle properties of...
This book reflects the current status of theoretical and experimental research of graphene based nanostructures, in particular quantum dots, at a leve...
This book gives a survey of the physics and fabrication of carbon nanotubes and their applications in optics, electronics, chemistry and biotechnology. It focuses on the structural characterization of various carbon nanotubes, fabrication of vertically or parallel aligned carbon nanotubes on substrates or in composites, physical properties for their alignment, and applications of aligned carbon nanotubes in field emission, optical antennas, light transmission, solar cells, chemical devices, bio-devices, and many others. Major fabrication methods are illustrated in detail, particularly the...
This book gives a survey of the physics and fabrication of carbon nanotubes and their applications in optics, electronics, chemistry and biotechnology...
Single-molecule studies constitute a distinguishable category of focused - search in nanoscience and nanotechnology. This book is dedicated to the - troduction of recent advances on single-molecule studies. It will be illustrated that studying single molecules is both intellectually and technologically ch- lenging, and also o?ers vast potential in opening up new scienti?c frontiers. We wish to present the readers with several di?erent techniques for studying single molecules, such as electron-tunneling methods, interaction-force m- surement techniques, optical spectroscopy, plus a number of...
Single-molecule studies constitute a distinguishable category of focused - search in nanoscience and nanotechnology. This book is dedicated to the - t...
This book provides expert coverage of the current state of the art in the application of nanotechnologies to cellulose research. It offers a comprehensive collection of topics including nanocellulose isolation, assembly into hierarchical structures, and advanced emerging applications. During the past decades, research in nanocellulose has advanced quickly, driven by the urgent needs for sustainability and the availability of advanced nanotechniques. Although cellulose has been investigated and used for thousands of years, the recent advances in nanotechnology have transformed our view of this...
This book provides expert coverage of the current state of the art in the application of nanotechnologies to cellulose research. It offers a comprehen...