The Advanced Study Institute on "Quantum Dynamics of Molecules: The New Experimental Challenge to Theorists," which was sponsored by the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO, was held at Trinity Hall, Ca bridge, England from September 15th till September 29th, 1979. In all, a total of 79 lecturers and students attended the meeting: they had diverse backgrounds in chemistry, physics and mathematics. In my proposal to NATO requesting financial support for an Advanced Study Institute, I suggested that molecular physics was facing a qualitatively new experimental situation in which the exploration...
The Advanced Study Institute on "Quantum Dynamics of Molecules: The New Experimental Challenge to Theorists," which was sponsored by the Scientific Af...
The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Electronic Structure of Polymers and Molecular Crystals" was held at the Facultes Universi- taires de Namur (F.U.N.) from September 1st till September 14th, 1974. We wish to express our appreciation to the NATO Scientific Affairs Division whose generous support made this Institute possible and to the Facultes Universitaires de Namur and the Societe Chimique de Belgique which provided fellowships and travel grants to a number of students. This volume contains the main lectures about the basic principles of the field and about different recent developments...
The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Electronic Structure of Polymers and Molecular Crystals" was held at the Facultes Universi- taires de Namur (F.U...
The Advanced Study Institute on 'Elementary Excitations in Solids, Molecules, and Atoms' was held at the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.) from June 18th till June 30th 1973. The In- stitute was sponsored by NATO. Co-sponsors were: Agfa-Gevaert N.V. (Mortsel-Belgium), Bell Telephone Mfg. Co. (Antwerp-Belgium), I.B.M. BelgiumN.V. (Brussels-Belgium), the National Science Founda- tion (Washington D. C. - U. S .A.) and the Uni versi ty of Antwerp (U. I .A.) . A total of 120 lecturers and participants attended the Institute. Over the last few years, substantial progress has been made in the...
The Advanced Study Institute on 'Elementary Excitations in Solids, Molecules, and Atoms' was held at the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.) from June 18th...