The beloved Mule Tamer gang is back; the affable Arvel Walsh and his wild Mexican bride Chica, the terse Dick Welles, the aborigine healer, Billy Livingston, Dan George, Uncle Bob and Pilar, along with a brand-new cast of colorful characters. 1896 is an election year, and the future of the fledgling Arizona Rangers, captained by Arvel Walsh and Dick Welles hangs by a political thread. The latest crisis, a greedy silver republican, bent on controlling the politics and wealth of the Arizona land and beyond, is driving a wedge between the two stellar ranger captains. Lori Parker has...
The beloved Mule Tamer gang is back; the affable Arvel Walsh and his wild Mexican bride Chica, the terse Dick Welles, the aborigine healer, Billy Livi...
The beloved Mule Tamer gang is back; the affable Arvel Walsh and his wild Mexican bride Chica, the terse Dick Welles, the aborigine healer, Billy Livingston, Dan George, Uncle Bob and Pilar, along with a brand-new cast of colorful characters. 1896 is an election year, and the future of the fledgling Arizona Rangers, captained by Arvel Walsh and Dick Welles hangs by a political thread. The latest crisis, a greedy silver republican, bent on controlling the politics and wealth of the Arizona land and beyond, is driving a wedge between the two stellar ranger captains. Lori Parker has...
The beloved Mule Tamer gang is back; the affable Arvel Walsh and his wild Mexican bride Chica, the terse Dick Welles, the aborigine healer, Billy Livi...