OH NO! There's a dragon in the hills. What will the Mr Men and Little Miss do? When Mr Tickle decides to investigate some surprising fires in the gentle hills where he lives, he meets a fire-breathing dragon who destroys everything in his path. Can he help him change his ways?
OH NO! There's a dragon in the hills. What will the Mr Men and Little Miss do? When Mr Tickle decides to investigate some surprisin...
Another exciting story in the Mr Men Magic series! Mr Bump is always getting scraped or bruised or scratched. He could really do with some armour to to keep him out of trouble. Then he mights a knight who gives him a wonderful idea.
Another exciting story in the Mr Men Magic series! Mr Bump is always getting scraped or bruised or scratched. He could really do wi...
A mer-tastic tale in the Mr Men Magic series! When Little Miss Trouble catches a mermaid with her fishing rod she finds herself at the beginning of a watery adventure that will teach her an important lesson.
A mer-tastic tale in the Mr Men Magic series! When Little Miss Trouble catches a mermaid with her fishing rod she finds herself at ...
Another exciting tale in the Mr Men Magic series! Little Miss Lucky is the luckiest person in the world, until strange things happen to her. Can she discover what is behind her sudden bad luck?
Another exciting tale in the Mr Men Magic series! Little Miss Lucky is the luckiest person in the world, until strange things happe...
Another spellbinding tale in the Mr Men Magic series! When Little Miss Naughty steals the Good Fairy's wand she plans to work some real mischief upon the other Mr Men. But however hard she tries, things keeping turning out for the best. Has Little Miss Naughty finally met her match?
Another spellbinding tale in the Mr Men Magic series! When Little Miss Naughty steals the Good Fairy's wand she plans to work some ...