Many people are frustrated as they watch those they love go down wrong roads in life because they are disconnected from God.Let Your Voice Be Heard will be a game-changer for them as they learn how to transform from a silent spectator to a powerful voice, sharing their faith outside the walls of the church with the people closest in their lives."
Many people are frustrated as they watch those they love go down wrong roads in life because they are disconnected from God.Let Your Voice Be Heard wi...
"The power of love can save a life" One rainy night on the Zambian savannah, a mother s heart moves the hand of God. From a land laid waste by disease and drought emerges this incredible story of courage, suffering, and the ultimate triumph of the power of God s love. This is the true story of an infant born in the bush of southern Zambia at the height of the worst drought in years. That tiny life was awaiting the traditional burial lying on the chest of her mother, who died during delivery. For months the relentless claw of death would try to snatch another victim, but God had a purpose...
"The power of love can save a life" One rainy night on the Zambian savannah, a mother s heart moves the hand of God. From a land laid waste by dis...
Bigger represents land we have yet to conquer. It brings on a new understanding of God and the power He holds. It offers deeper intimacy and a supernatural ability to trust what we do not know to the Almighty. Bigger is abundance. It s more of Him, more freedom, more identity, more authority, and more power.
Whether he knew it or not, Nehemiah walked this process. He journeyed from brokenness to bigger. He cried hard, prayed hard, worked hard, and in the end he experienced more of God than he ever thought possible. This Bible study is an invitation for you to walk with me from brokenness...
Bigger represents land we have yet to conquer. It brings on a new understanding of God and the power He holds. It offers deeper intimacy and a superna...
Have you ever heard yourself cry out through the chaos, God where are you? Why is this happening? or perhaps even, God, are you real? In a tattooed pop culture world that is perpetually trying to keep up with the Kardashians, God Culture introduces a greater knowledge of God and an invitation to engage in a deeper and more intimate relationship that will transform your life. With worldwide plagues such as rampant terrorism and children shooting children, " God Culture" explores Jesus true intention of reconnecting mankind with Yahweh, while revealing why God behaves as He does, how we can...
Have you ever heard yourself cry out through the chaos, God where are you? Why is this happening? or perhaps even, God, are you real? In a tattooed po...
There is much preparation made in advance of an upcoming deployment, but sadly spiritual readiness rarely makes it on the check-off list.The military community agrees that war inflicts injuries to the souls of our service members, but faith is the glue that makes a difference in coping with adversity or when living under difficult circumstances such as the military lifestyle. "Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent "explores the themes of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) in the book of Psalms in the Bible. These special psalms,...
There is much preparation made in advance of an upcoming deployment, but sadly spiritual readiness rarely makes it on the check-off list.The military ...
Are You On Your Way Out? Each month over fifteen hundred pastors are forced to resign their positions. Most never realized they were at-risk of losing their positions in the days before it happened. "Pastors At-Risk "addresses this phenomenon thereby alerting its readers to the attitudes and actions that take so many entirely out of ministry. Through This Easy to Read Book, You Will Discover: * What at-risk means, where it leads * What it is that takes you from at-risk to at-ease * Affirmations you make even when it s still tough * Real life stories of pastors in their...
Are You On Your Way Out? Each month over fifteen hundred pastors are forced to resign their positions. Most never realized they were at-risk of lo...
How often do we struggle to make sense of situations in life, wondering if, by some chance, we are just not following the right directions? Is there some secret life code that we were never taught? Suppose we all, inclusively, hold the tools but are merely unaware that we do? In "Sacred Seeds of Redemption" the author reveals her own journey toward understanding and, ultimately, acceptance of the ambiguities and challenges of ordinary life. As you read, you will catch glimpses of both the best and the worst of human behaviors and responses. Using your spiritual eyes and mind, you will...
How often do we struggle to make sense of situations in life, wondering if, by some chance, we are just not following the right directions? Is there s...
How does God's existence make sense in light of the evil and suffering we see all around us? This is a conversation between two and then three evangelical Christian college students, an atheist, a Jew, and a Christian youth minister.
How does God's existence make sense in light of the evil and suffering we see all around us? This is a conversation between two and then three eva...
Statistics show roughly 50 percent of men struggle with a pornography addiction; boys are being exposed to porn at younger ages each year; and technology now provides an environment of access where you no longer need to search for porn-it comes looking for you. Despite these facts, this epidemic is largely being ignored. When it is addressed, the message is always "Try harder, get an Internet filter, be a better man." At best, this message merely addresses the symptoms of a much deeper issue. At worst, it feeds the lies men believe that have contributed directly to their addiction. 10 Lies...
Statistics show roughly 50 percent of men struggle with a pornography addiction; boys are being exposed to porn at younger ages each year; and technol...