This book contains the proceedings of the first workshop held at Monte Verita near Ascona, Switzerland on September 24-29, 1989. The workshop was designed to survey the current understanding of water and solute transport through unsaturated soils under field conditions, and to foster research by discussing some unresolved key issues relative to transport modeling and experimentation in four "Think Tank" groups. The first part of this book consists of the reports prepared by the Think Tank groups, who discussed the following topics: modeling approaches, effective large scale properties,...
This book contains the proceedings of the first workshop held at Monte Verita near Ascona, Switzerland on September 24-29, 1989. The workshop was desi...
This volume presents an historical appraisal of Stefano Franscini's life and work, including papers on the relationship between statistical science and official statistics and the issues relating to survey sampling and data analysis.
This volume presents an historical appraisal of Stefano Franscini's life and work, including papers on the relationship between statistical science an...
The idea of organising a colloquium on turbulence emerged during the sabbatical leave of Prof. Arkady Tsinober in Zurich. New experimental observations and the insight gained through direct numerical simulations have been stimulating research in turbulence and are leading to the developments of new concepts. The organisers felt the necessity to bring together researchers who have contributed significantly to the advances in this field in a colloquium in which the current achievements and the future development in the theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches would be discussed. The...
The idea of organising a colloquium on turbulence emerged during the sabbatical leave of Prof. Arkady Tsinober in Zurich. New experimental observation...
Recent climatic shifts, based on mild winters and more hot summers have released vegetation shifts all over the world. This book presents case studies from countries including Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Brazil and Chile. The authors analyse the resulting changes, especially the process of Laurophyllisation. In the MONTE VERITA series.
Recent climatic shifts, based on mild winters and more hot summers have released vegetation shifts all over the world. This book presents case studies...
This volume presents the Proceedings of the joint US/Israel Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, held in February 1992 at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. The volume contains a selection of papers covering a wide range of topics in modern operator theory and its applications, from abstract operator theory, to system theory and computers in operator models. The papers treat linear and nonlinear problems, and study operators from different abstract and concrete classes. It is suitable for both pure and applied mathematicians, and engineers.
This volume presents the Proceedings of the joint US/Israel Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, held in February 1992 at the Ben Gurion ...
The present volume contains most of the invited talks and two contributed posters of a workshop which was held in]uly 1990 within the frame of the Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita at Ascona in Switzerland. The main idea has been to demonstrate that in many areas in solid state physics the use of synchrotron radiation as a powerful source for polarized uv radiation between 5 eV and about 1500 eV yields exciting new results. Furthermore, one has tried to attract a larger number of Ph D-students to bring them into contact with experienced people in the field. This tutorial aspect, I su...
The present volume contains most of the invited talks and two contributed posters of a workshop which was held in]uly 1990 within the frame of the Cen...
Unter den Gattungen der antiken Literatur ist nach Jahren der Ver nachUissigung in der letzten Zeit ein besonderes Interesse am griechisch romischen Roman festzustellen. Die vom 27. -31. Marz 1995 im Centro Stefano Franscini von den beiden Unterzeichnenden organisierte Tagung wollte diesem neu erwachten Interesse in zweifacher Weise gerecht wer den: Einerseits wollten wir ein Forum bieten, urn die oft kontroversen Forschungsstandpunkte zu diskutieren und dadurch eventuell neue Mog lichkeiten des Zugangs zu den erzahlenden Texten der Antike zu erOff nen, andrerseits sollten die vielfaltigen...
Unter den Gattungen der antiken Literatur ist nach Jahren der Ver nachUissigung in der letzten Zeit ein besonderes Interesse am griechisch romischen R...
In den letzten 30 Jahren sind die Nutzungsanspruche an den knappen verfugbaren Lebensraum drastisch gestiegen. Wachsende Probleme ergeben sich bei der Roh- stoffgewinnung und bei der Abfallbeseitigung. Der Aufbau der obersten Teile der Geosphare, ihre Wechselwirkung mit der Atmosphare und die naturliche Stoffzirkulation - das traditionelle Gebiet der Erdwissenschaften - ist bei der Losung der anstehenden, meist anthropogen verursachten Umweltprobleme von zentraler Bedeutung. Gleichzeitig haben sich die technischen Methoden fur Beobachtung, Analyse und Sanierung rasch weiterentwickelt. In...
In den letzten 30 Jahren sind die Nutzungsanspruche an den knappen verfugbaren Lebensraum drastisch gestiegen. Wachsende Probleme ergeben sich bei der...
Advancements in digital sensor technology, digital image analysis techniques, as well as computer software and hardware have brought together the fields of computer vision and photogrammetry, which are now converging towards sharing, to a great extent, objectives and algorithms. The potential for mutual benefits by the close collaboration and interaction of these two disciplines is great, as photogrammetric know-how can be aided by the most recent image analysis developments in computer vision, while modern quantitative photogrammetric approaches can support computer vision activities....
Advancements in digital sensor technology, digital image analysis techniques, as well as computer software and hardware have brought together the fiel...
1.1 Rekapitulation 1m Mai 1988 haben zehn ETIIZ Professoren verschiedener Fachdisziplinen ein Vorgesuch zu einem Polyprojekt "Risiko und Sicherheit technischer Systeme" eingereicht. Dieses wurde im An- schluss von der Schulleitung und der Forschungskommission im Prinzip gutgeheissen. Der vor- liegende Antrag konkretisiert dieses Vorgesuch und stiitzt sich dabei auf umfangreiche Abklarun- gen und Diskussionen mit Kollegen innerhalb der Hochschule und Fachleuten aussenstehender In- stitutionen. Ein Bericht iiber die in dieser Phase erfolgten Kontakte fmdet sich im Anhang A. 1m Anhang B sind die...
1.1 Rekapitulation 1m Mai 1988 haben zehn ETIIZ Professoren verschiedener Fachdisziplinen ein Vorgesuch zu einem Polyprojekt "Risiko und Sicherheit te...