This book presents a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPN). It shows how CP-nets have been de veloped - from being a promising theoretical model to being a full-fledged lan guage for the design, specification, simulation, validation and implementation of large software systems (and other systems in which human beings and/or com puters communicate by means of some more or less formal rules). The book contains the formal definition of CP-nets and the mathematical theory behind their analysis methods. However, it has been the...
This book presents a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPN). It shows how CP-nets have ...
This book presents comprehensive studies on nine specification languages and their logics of reasoning. The editors and authors are authorities on these specification languages and their application.
In a unique feature, the book closes with short commentaries on the specification languages written by researchers closely associated with their original development. The book contains extensive references and pointers to future developments.
This book presents comprehensive studies on nine specification languages and their logics of reasoning. The editors and authors are authorities on ...