This poignant coming-of-age tale follows Meena, a girl growing up in the only Punjabi family in a 1970s Black Country mining village. Meena spends her days happily getting into scrapes with the local children until one day the impossibly cool Anita enters her life. Soon Meena's world is turned upside down as she is caught between two very different cultures.
This poignant coming-of-age tale follows Meena, a girl growing up in the only Punjabi family in a 1970s Black Country mining village. Meena spends her...
Observed by a lone, mystified Aboriginal Australian, the first convict ship arrives in Botany Bay, 1788, crammed with England’s outcasts. Colony discipline in this vast and alien land is brutal. Three proposed public hangings incite an argument: how best to keep the criminals in line, the noose or a more civilised form of entertainment? The ambitious Second Lieutenant Ralph Clark steps forward with a play. But as the mostly illiterate cast rehearses, and a sense of common purpose begins to take hold, the young officer’s own transformation is as marked and poignant as that of his...
Observed by a lone, mystified Aboriginal Australian, the first convict ship arrives in Botany Bay, 1788, crammed with England’s outcasts. Colony dis...
Alice Birch examines the language, behavior and forces that shape women in the 21st century and asks what's stopping us from doing something truly radical to change them. From the best-selling playwright of Many Moons and Little Light, a feminist call to action.
Alice Birch examines the language, behavior and forces that shape women in the 21st century and asks what's stopping us from doing something truly ...
I want to tell you a story. And it's true. That's what makes it a good fucking story, right, 'cause all the best stories are true.
Fleet Street. 1969. The Sun rises.
James Graham's ruthless, red-topped play leads with the birth of this country's most influential newspaper - when a young and rebellious Rupert Murdoch asked the impossible and launched its first editor's quest, against all odds, to give the people what they want.
Ink was first published to coincide with the world premiere of the play at the Almeida Theatre, London, on 17 June 2017, in a...
I want to tell you a story. And it's true. That's what makes it a good fucking story, right, 'cause all the best stories are true.
Affection I can endure, affectation I abhor. Empty phrases, meaningless gestures of faked good-will. These affable dispensers of embraces make me ill. Disgusted with French society where powdered fops gossip in code and bejewelled coquettes whisper behind fans, poet Alceste embarks on a one-man crusade against fakery, frippery and forked tongues. But could the woman he adores be the worst culprit of them all? And in this rarefied world will his revolution prove merely revolting? Considered by many to be Molière’s best work, The Misanthrope was first performed in 1666 in Paris by the...
Affection I can endure, affectation I abhor. Empty phrases, meaningless gestures of faked good-will. These affable dispensers of embraces make me ill....
Mother Courage was first performed in Zurich in 1941 and is usually seen as Brecht's greatest work. Remaining a powerful indictment of war and social injustice, it is an epic drama set in the seventeenth century during the Thirty Years' War. The plot follows the resilient Mother Courage who survives by running a commissary business that profits from all sides. As the war claims all of her children in turn, the play poignantly demonstrates that no one can profit from the war without being subject to its terrible cost also. This translation by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner is...
Mother Courage was first performed in Zurich in 1941 and is usually seen as Brecht's greatest work. Remaining a powerful indictment of war and social ...
Strathoykel, Sutherland. "When the Sheriff and his men arrived, the women were on the road and the men behind the walls. The women shouted 'Better to die here than America or the Cape of Good Hope'. The first blow was struck by a woman with a stick. The gentry leant out of their saddles and beat at the women's heads with their crops." (John McGrath)
Strathoykel, Sutherland. "When the Sheriff and his men arrived, the women were on the road and the men behind the walls. The women shouted 'Better to ...
My Mother Said I Never Should follows the story of four generations of women, a great-grand-daughter a daughter, a mother and a grandmother, grappling with social forces that threaten to split them apart as the twentieth century grows older. Widely studied on Drama syllabuses the play moves back and forth through the lives of the women, it sets the enormous social changes of this century against the needs of the individual. It premiered in 1987 at the Contact theatre in Manchester and was subsequently presented in 1989 at the Royal Court Theatre in London.
My Mother Said I Never Should follows the story of four generations of women, a great-grand-daughter a daughter, a mother and a grandmother, grappling...
My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and the capital cities. And every prime number up to 7507. Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears's dead dog. It has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight, and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain and is exceptional at maths, but he is ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests...
My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and the capital cities. And every prime number up to 7507. Christoph...
Anthony Burgess's stage play of his infamous cult novel and film of the same name. Alex and his vicious teenage gang revel in horrific violence, mugging and gang rape. Alex also revels in the music of Beethoven. The Gang communicates in a language which is as complicated as their actions. When a drug-fuelled night of fun ends in murder, Alex is finally busted and banged up. He is given a choice - be brainwashed into good citizenship and set free, or face a lifetime inside. Anthony Burgess's play with music, based on his own provocative 1962 novella of the same name, was first published in...
Anthony Burgess's stage play of his infamous cult novel and film of the same name. Alex and his vicious teenage gang revel in horrific violence, mugg...